It's hard to wade through all the rhetoric and get to the crux of today's Clean Air Act. Underneath all the posturing and big talk, there is an underlying question that the Conservatives are really asking all of us Canadians-
how fucking stupid are you exactly? I mean there it is really, because no intelligent conversation can conclude that this is a credible plan. I see this plan as nothing more than a warped experiment about whether or not government propaganda can hoodwink a disinterested population. Can the Tories do nothing, present it as substantative and trick Canadians into supporting a mirage?
The 2050 "commitment" on emissions is beyond laughable. What is even more astounding, given the fact the government polled Canadians and found smog was the number one concern, we only have to wait a mere 18 years, yes just one generation, to actual do something about smog. Woohoo! Did you hear that kids, your kids kids might not get asthma!! We just have to endure a couple more decades and then you just watch the progress. If ever sarcasm was appropriate, today is the day. Defeat this bill, force Harper to make this a confidence motion and let's go to the polls. What a joke. Problem it's on all of us.
This bill is an embarassment. If those regulations took effect immediately I might applaud the bill, but this is just more stalling. They seem to think Canadians will fall for the kind of trap the Bush administration did, but it won't work here. That being said if falling poll numbers won't get this government to straighten its act up, then the only solution is to defeat them in a non-confidence motion ASAP and remove them from office.
It is a fucking joke, and the worst part is, there's no one else to vote for -- the Liberals have amply showed their scorn and indifference for the environment and proved over and over and over that they are full of nothing but hogwash on the whole issue. (It's hard to believe ANY Liberal has any remote interest in the environment) Jack Layton? Uh, don't think so...
No one left to vote for, I'm afraid. Not sure what to do - guess I'll vote Green this next time.
This bill is an embarassment.
But what is even more telling is that the Liberals couldnt release a damn enviornmental plan in their 13 years in power.
At least the Con's released something.
As Iggy/Dryden said to Dion...."We didnt get it done"
"At least the Con's released something"
Yes, and what they "released" caused the fire alarms to go off in Parliament.
Setting standards requiring immediate 'compliance' is impossible! But the effect of the Clean Air Act will be immediate, 4 years is very aggressive , and industry will need to start making changes immediately to be in compliance by 2010.
Companies need time to make the changes to their plants.
Hargrove and McGuinty demanded that the voluntary deal (auto) made with the Liberals set to expire 2010 be accepted. It was. In 2010 emmision standards must be in COMPLIANCE or fines will be levied. All industry, including Oil & Gas.
Scroll down to 6. for action in next 12 months.
"be in compliance by 2010"
Compliance? Did I miss the part where they gave ANY explanation of what that means? Is it 10% reduction, 50% reduction or just more of the 1.5% that happens now anyways? Industry will have to comply with the yet to be determined by 2010, do you realize how ridiculous that sounds?
But its the villians in the lawnmower making business that are causing infertile polar bears. That's the crux of this joke.
I know they had their eyes on one of those caribbean islands, but instead they've decided to make Canada's new sun paradise a place called Nunavut, by 2025...
Yes, this clean air act that will *maybe* start to take effect in 20 years is a joke.
But I can't help but wonder why Jean Chrétien, in his last term, didn't spend his political capital on imposing and enforcing pollution quotas nationwide.
Its not that hard to do: offer huge tax incentives to companies who comply, and punish those who don't.
And it wouldn't hurt to spend billons on public transit infrastructure (sorely needed subway expansions in MTL and TO, as well as new ones in all the major cities as well as the often-talked-about-but-never implemented Quebec-Windsor speed train that would free up alot of traffic on the most utilized highways of Canada.
No, Harper isn't going to step up to the plate (until 2050), but why didn't the Liberals ? And more importantly, which one of the LPC candidates is willing to stand up for the Enviro and actually get this done IMMEDIATELY?
"... how fucking stupid are you exactly?" Steve V
Given that this is the same Prime Minister that claimed he had no involvement whatsoever in the removal of an MP during a minority Parliament this should come as no surprise. This is a leader that has blatantly lied to Canadians repeatedly and gotten away with it, just remember the Grewal fraud some CPCer(s) were behind that he covered up despite the unequivocal evidence that someone in the CPC edited those tapes to make a false criminal allegation appear substantiated. That is was Harper and the CPC leadership that authenticated and vouched for the contents of these edited recordings for several days until it came out there was massive editing and then he claimed he and his did nothing wrong and that all wrongdoing was solely the result of the evil Liberal war room and the media conspiracy out to get the Conservatives.
I haven't gotten to the so called Clean Air Act at Saundrie, but I have done a post on the lying of the government's spokespeople last Wed regarding the complete non involvement of the PMO in the removal of Turner. Please take a look at it Steve, I would be interested to see what you make of my reasoning in it. Thanks.
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