Obviously, I disagree with Kennedy's reasoning, but for some reason his choice makes me think more of him. On a day when LeBlanc is expected to back Ignatieff, longtime Dion backer Wilfert does the same, a general sense that the powerbase is moving in one direction, Kennedy decides to buck the trend. The easy thing to do, in this situation, is follow the money so to speak. Move to the most likely successor, in selfish terms, one's "career" is best served by gravitating towards the perceived winner. The fact Kennedy decided to support Rae, tells me, that once again he is moving on principle first, political self-interest second.

After Kennedy made the catastrophically bad decision to throw his support behind Dion last time - a lot of people may say to themselves that when Kennedy goes one way - we better go somewhere else.
I think that there may be another side to this. Kennedy has a precarious hold on his riding and the NDP is his opposition and public opinion in his riding is probably overwhelmingly pro-coalition. He may want to be able to say that he supported the most (seemingly) pro-coalition candidate since if the Liberals back out of the coalition and let Harper survive - a lot of people in Parkdale-High Park will be annoyed.
The pressure does need to be kept on the party to democratize itself, and Rae is the clearest voice on that particular issue.
Kennedy isn't willing to sell his soul to the devil, I mean, err, Iggy, for the promise of money or power or whatever LeBlanc was promised.
He still has a moral fibre.
History will look upon those who blindly "followed the money" appropriately.
I don't think it has anything to do with riding demographics, he just soundly defeated an NDP incumbent, despite terrific circumstances. Nope, it's just a personal choice, nothing more, nothing less, entirely consistent.
Maybe Steve V, Gerald Kennedy's opinion & who he will support is based on his sense of knowing both men & arriving to that choice for a very legit reason. What I really despise about most bloggers is the speculations they make based on who they like most & not who would be the best for the job. To be honest with you & that is merely based on what I've seen of Iggy so far is that IMO I don't believe Iggy's too trustworthy either. He's made from the same cloth as Dictatorial Harper & god forbid if we end up with 2 such leaders. I still think Dion was the best man for Canada but I'm not so stubborn to believe Dion really had to go now & that he is doing the right thing right now. He had no chance while he was being stabbed in the back from his own members. No wonder the liberals are losing their credibility in Canadians eyes. I blame the whole Liberal caucus for the whole sham.For supposedly intelligent people, they sure showed stupidity instead. Who do I support? IT doesn't really matter does it because the one man who had credibility has been slayed by his own party. What a sham this is turning out to be. I would hope that the party members will have a chance to vote for their next leader & not the MP’s. I do not think much of them to be honest & a bunch of back stabbers. They alone have been the problem so as far as I’m concerned, thy have no credibility in my view right now. Happy weekend all, marie
I really don't care for these "follow the money" comments. You might imply that the MPs are concerned about re-election... That would make sense. They are selecting a leader who would best allow them to form government. That makes more sense, especially since there is no guarantee of a "cabinet post" if we don't ever form government...
So, seriously, drop the party-damaging "money" insinuations folks...
Rae was extremely bitter at Gerard when he went to Dion after the second ballot instead of letting his support trickle to him in
As Dion's most prominent salesman inside the party for the coalition, Gerard feels that backing Rae would be a logical move. He will be on the outside of the inner circle under a Iggy-led party and some of his prominent supporters in 2006 are in the Rae camp right now, such as Braeden Caley, Bruce Young,and Raymond Chan. Expect Rob Silver, Katie Telford, and even Martha Hall Findlay to follow suit.
His support of Rae is completely about politics. Rae used to live in his riding. His riding is a very left leaning, soft liberal NDP riding that has a strong peace movement component that HATES Iggy. I have no idea what Peggy Nash's plans are for the future but a strong NDP candidate will give him a run for his money next time (particularly if the Libs back away from the coalition and support the Tory budget in January). He is looking at his electoral fortunes not his internal party fortunes. There is no point for him to cover his ass within the party at the moment since his king-making of Dion has ensured that he will be in the party penalty box for some time yet.
Oh, bullshit. Get a clue.
Anon 3:35
Have you ever met Gerard? What an idiot you are.
Gerard held one of his monthly community meetings this past Saturday in one of the poorest neighbourhoods in Toronto. In spite of the cold, over 100 people attended the meeting that went from 2:15 p.m. to 4:15 p.m. Gerard was 15 minutes late since he was coming from the Pro-Coalition demonstration at Nathan Phillips Square.
Gerard explained to the community what led to the rise of the Coalition, and why it was important - specifically, to put in place a government that is concerned about and is prepared to immediately address the present economic downturn.
He did not mention the names of any of the leadership candidates during the 2 hour meeting.
If Gerard has decided - I have yet to hear the CBC radio interview - to support Rae, it is based on PRINCIPLE only. And the underlying principle I believe that would draw him to Rae this time around is Rae's extended arms to grassroots Liberals.
Gerard decided to not run for the leadership of the Liberal Party so he could be more involved in creating more enthusiasm among grassroots Liberals. In the next few months, you will see a number of new grassroots initiatives Gerard and his folks have developed and will be introducing.
Gerard was at Rae's press conference today, to officially offer support. Kennedy also spoke well of Ignatieff, and said he is aware of his decision.
If the Liberal mucky-mucks crown Ignatieff and he then decides to prop up the Harper gov't - I wonder who many disaffected Liberals who backed Rae or who supported the coalition desert the party and join the NDP?
Good to hear that GK is backing Rae. Ignatieff could support Harper's budget and leave us in the wilderness for quite a while.
Kennedy backing Rae. Very interesting. I'm a fan of Rae, MHF, Dryden and Goodale. Any idea who they're all supporting?
I'd be inclined to support someone who has Kennedy's support.
I met LeBlanc while he was in the running and he promised to answer an email I sent him. Never heard back two weeks later and then hear he's dropped out.
Sent an email to Rae's camp with some questions and received a response back within an hour. I like that.
"I'd be inclined to support someone who has Kennedy's support."
Kennedy supported Dion. caveat emptor!!
GK unfortunately continues to find new ways to kill his career. His judgemet continues to come into question and this is not just my opinion.
Part of Dion's problem is the Liberal caucus didn't support him and was very underhanded in their approach. They've behaved like spoiled children.
Yes, Dion made some mistakes but if he had the support of the party "insiders" it would have been minimal.
Heaven forbid we elect a man based on principles again! The insiders and caucus has shown they won't support the will of the people now haven't they?
Don't like who grassroots members have chosen as a leader? Undermine him, run to the press, provide anonymous quotes, work on your platform instead of supporting the leader until you get the opportunity to run your candidate again.
If Kennedy or MHF chose to run, they would have received my vote.
Of course, my vote doesn't count with this party. You have to go with what caucus says.
Imagine if the super-delegates in the DNC did this to Obama.
But it's okay in Canadian politics.
I don't think that is fair, Kennedy is simply moving on his set of beliefs, which is admirable. People with integrity don't "kill" their careers, and if they do, it's a sad statement on our party.
I don't agree with Gerard, and I was frankly shocked that he came out for Rae today. However, once I thought about it, seemed entirely consistent, he's his own man, which is why he's attractive in the first place.
Peggy Nash is alright - she's got an executive/administration position with the CAW. Nearly all the NDP caucus were union members and activists - I doubt the financial community would like that.
I noticed that quite a few Kennedy supporters have gone over to Iggy -Navdeep Bains, Mark Holland and others. I like Navdeep Bains another possible future leader.
Sometimes in life in order to get ahead, you gotta kiss a little ass. This move accomplishes nothing for GK. I see a man who is spoiling his potential with questionable decisions.
GK is quickly becoming the Diane Ablonczy of the Lib Party. Hope he enjoys his parliamentary secretary position or heritage critic, depending...
Boneheaded move by Kennedy. Rae is cancer for Liberal party, I hope he would just crawl back into his NDP hole.
Go Iggy!!!!!!!!
I too thought this was a real character move, very revealing in the sort of integrity that GK has. I'm supporting MI but GK was who I really hoped to support. That he's supporting Rae -- I was a Rae delegate in '06 -- won't hurt his standing in the long run. He's a quality person who cares about the country first, party second. Had to laugh when Rae gave that gentle dig about Kennedy's support (wished it had come a little earlier ie. 06), which Kennedy answered back with, a little later, that he won in Rae's own riding, and kinda wished he had Rae's support back then '95...
That was a funny moment.
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