The fact the Conservatives have slick ads at the ready, tells me they are worried about the reaction of Canadians. I'm sure the vast majority of Canadians have no idea about the United Nations seat, not something that normally resonates. However, the optics of Canada rebuked by the world, a huge departure from how we traditionally see ourselves, brings with it risk for the Conservatives.
I see these ads- or more rightly the thought process- as PROOF POSITIVE that the Conservatives realize their foreign policy, their needless hostility towards places like the UN, is starting to come back and bite them right in their self righteous, amateur hour ASS. Attacking the Liberals is confirmation, it says they are worried and need to blame someone else. A certain irony, that Harper's big speech at the UN, which no one say, drew heavily on the legacy of the very party he hates so much. The "proud history" is something which Harper has managed to erode, showing no leadership on a host of files, more irritant than participant.
These Conservatives have no time for the United Nations. Fair viewpoint, but a bit rich to hold that view, conduct yourself with full disdain, then beg at the last minute, because you're worried how it will look. Stand by your principles Conservatives, hate the UN and be proud to be left out of the do nothing, debating society- what do you care? No, instead it's somehow Ignatieff's fault for playing "partisan" politics, undermining our bid for a seat. Yes, yes, it's Ignatieff's fault for stating the obvious, that our actions have put us in this precarious case, earlier "locks" are now scrambles to save face. There reason for the predicament is THIS government, their alienations, their polices, their inability to understand the most basic tenets of foreign policy, their ignorance and lack of sophistication.
It appears that Canada may just scrape by, and secure a seat. If that's the case, we get our seat, maybe we never see these attack ads. However, the fact they actually exist is simply pathetic. Their existence is also a testament to just how worried this government is, how much they fear Canadians will wake from their slumber and realize the DAMAGE these two dimensional ideologues have done to our reputation in the world.

Who knew that Michael Ignatieff was so powerful and so influential that his opinion would hold sway over the United Nations?
Odd that the CPC seems to want to point that out.
He's the most interesting man in the world.
Harper does not give a rat's.... about the UN.he would like to see it gone, although he sang the virtues of Pearson...he hates all Liberals ...I wonder what the UAE rhinks of us now.I honestly think Ignatieff said The government doesn't deserve it...not Canada.
Funny, how Harper cares all of sudden now that perceived power and political self interest are at stake.
I can't wait for the day my son learns about these clowns in history. We're almost there, patience...
Just in case you guys missed it, here is the CPC press release Michael Ignatieff: Standing up for Berlin and Lisbon
Like it or not, this is a continuation of the Tory narrative that
"he isn’t in it for Canadians; he’s only in it for himself."
The only point I would make is that Iggy's comment makes some sense, IF he were auuditioning for a guest spot on Power & Politics, as a political pundit.
But he is auditioning for the job of Prime Minister. I don't think he quite gets that yet. He seems to be stuck in perpetual "commentator" mode.
But all we are seeing here is that, no matter what you do, your opponents will use it against you.
We spin Iggy's actions one way.
You guys can spin it that Iggy was right, we are over-reacting, it wasn't his fault, it was Harper's fault for ignoring the UN for so long, yadda yadda.
Actually CJ, if it were me I would be spinning it as even the Conservatives admit Ignatieff has power and influence on the world stage.
Either that, or once again Harper refuses to accept responsibility for his actions.
They both work.
Holy Hannah the Harper government is nothing but a pack of 5-year olds. When they do something wrong the answer is either "it's the Liberals fault" or "but the Liberal did it first".
Actually I'm wrong, because the average child in fact takes more responsibility for their actions versus these clowns. The Reformatories are nothing but pre-schooler self-serving twits.
The Harper government's disdain for the UN, most visibly shown by their actions towards climate change - for example skipping Obama's speech to hang out at a Tim Hortons (...but ya that was Iggy's fault) is the reason we may lose our seat on the security council for the first time since its creation.
Frankly I hope we do lose our turn at the UN. The press completely dismissed Cannon's stupid remarks from a few days ago. In that light I'd love to see these commercials go on air, because I get the feeling they would backfire big time.
I think that ol' sweater vest Steve would love to lose the seat. In fact, if he wins it, he becomes a loser in a few different ways; 1st; the attack ads against the Liberals wouldn't be applicable anymore and 2nd, Steve would actually have to start showing up to UN functions and cow towing to them.
Meanwhile, here is what the LPC's foreign affairs critic, Bob Rae, had to say:
The key thing is this is a bid for Canada. This is not a bid about one government or another government. ...
And that is why I think all Canadians would be very supportive of a place for Canada on the Security Council, ...
Read it all here
Rae gets it about right. And it goes to my point: By being so inappropriately partisan in world affairs, Iggy is NOT presenting himself as a PM-in-waiting. A PM promotes his country.
It's too late for you guys, the die has been cast. Iggy has had almost two years to discard and burn his "analyst's" wardrobe, but he just couldn't do it.
That partly explains why his competence numbers are so low. Too many voters just do not picture him as Prime Minister material. A replacement for Scott Reid, yes. But a replacement for
Stephen Harper, no.
"It's too late for you guys, the die has been cast. Iggy has had almost two years to discard and burn his "analyst's" wardrobe, but he just couldn't do it.
That partly explains why his competence numbers are so low. Too many voters just do not picture him as Prime Minister material."
Too late? With all honesty, and in the most non-partisan perspective, if you actually think that is true, you aren't much of a junkie. It's not even close to too late. You think this guy is written in stone with Canadian voters, are you joking? I appreciate long odds, whatnot, but so definitive, just ridiculous. Watch a few more campaigns :)
Steve, his trust and competence numbers have been ridiculously low for well over a year. Maybe Donolo has a plan to get those numbers up, but I just don't see how.
Here in Alberta, a few months ago, there was rumours that the Alberta PCs wanted to dump Stelmach, because his leadership numbers were so low. Nothing came of that. But we all know the inherent danger of a leader who polls below his party, in bringing the party down.
Anyway, it will all get sorted out after the next election campaign.
I don't think the Libs are in great shape, and earlier this year I felt a two election strategy was the best course. But, I think things have improved marginally, and I think the mood is starting to turn on Harper, developing real, reinforceable baggage.
It will all come down to momentum, Cons still with an advantage, but it's rife with risk from their side as well. I don't think one Con strategist honestly believes the Libs are done. When you're polling below 2006, well below 2008, and you've been around for 5 years now, well...
So let me get this straight,Junkie.. you somehow thinks a loss at the uN and these attack ads is a final nail in the coffin for Ignatieff.. because these ads will paint him as an enemy of the state and no one will vote for him?
You've been listening to Harper's Kool-Aid too much. The obvious rebuttal to that from our side is: maybe if Harper had shown more interest in the UN -- ie. actually coming to listen to Obama's speech at the UN rather then decide to spend time doing a photo-op at a Tim Horton's - they might not be in the scenario where they could lose this vote.
"By being so inappropriately partisan in world affairs..."
Yeah. I don't think Ignatieff is the one guilty of this offence. Though I see you are back to your tactic of changing the subject to Ignatieff when you realize the topic does not present Harper in a good light.
It's politics, Ignatieff took advantages of the situation for political points and Harper countered the attack. Election coming soon.
Don't you think that Cannon's partisan domestic rant would make the UN judges take note that these guys are not ready for prime time?
Harper is the only leader that I can think of that does nasty domestic political shots on the world stage.
Wasn't Ignatieff involved with the UN human rights commission - maybe they really respect him and it bugs the hell out of Harper.
If Harper had a good case that we should be on the security council wouldn't you think Ignatieff wouldn't count?
"a loss at the uN and these attack ads is a final nail in the coffin for Ignatieff"
I certainly hope the Reformatories are that dense to believe this Scott, and they do roll these commercials in the case we lose the UN seat. Canada didn't buy their spin on prorogation, about the census fiasco, or the LGR vote at the end either. The media are not buying the CPofC's crap anymore. Airing attack adds based on blatant lies while skirting your responsibility for losing the seat ...that has great potential for back-firing on Harper.
Sadly predictable.
I remember watch CPAC's series on the prime ministers of Canada a couple of years ago. Part of the program was interviews with people about each prime minister - when it came to Lester Pearson, Harper was one the folks interviewed. When asked about Pearson, his comment was "he brought us the Canadian flag or something like that". My quote is not verbatim, but is the essence of what he said.
Shows how hateful and partisan and childish and petty Harper is.
Canada deserves that seat just as it did under all previous Liberal and Conservative govts before now.
If Harper fails to deliver it, it will be Harper's failure, no one else`s.
If Harper blames someone else for his failure then he just looks childish. It will also provide an opportunity to examine Harper`s record in foreign affairs which is dismal compared both to Chretien`s, Martin`s and Mulroney`s.
I suspect that leaking these ads to Global News was the real value for the Conservatives. They get a national nightly news segment attacking Ignatieff which airs without raising questions about their record. That won`t be the case if we lose the seat and Harper tries this lame attack on Ignatieff.
Just an addendum.
If these ads run then the Liberals need to hit back as hard as they can, attack Harper on all fronts: his failure to accept responsibility, his cowardice that failure represents, his actually losing the seat and his foreign policy.
Release some `Harper on the coalition` level tirades on Harper.
Harper has stronger support from men then women but if anything these ads show him failing to `man up` and use that against him too.
It's official ...unbelievably we just lost to Portugal on the second round of voting.
Canada drops bid for UN Security Council seat
No offense meant to Portugal, but you are a mid-sized EU nation with plenty of other EU representation on the security council. Meanwhile we're in the flippin' G8 and invented peacekeeping, yet we lose.
Wait for the Reformatories to blame Iggy for this on the TeeVee real soon.
And, we lost in the most unbelievably embarrassing fashion imaginable. My goodness.
Bush league players don't get to play in the 'Bigs'. I'm glad we lost.
Well, i suggest their move regarding Israel last night was meant to scupper it anyways -- knowing that they wanted to ride this as a "Ignatieff hates Canada!" meme to come.
How pathetic. Of course, we'll just see how false their cry 'left-wing liberal media scourge!' when the big channels/talking heads give any credence to Harper's whine. As Bugs Bunny would say, "You know, this means war..."
I seriously think any attack ads deflecting this to being Iggy's fault will do more harm than good for Harper. The media will be showing Harper's trip to Timmies while Obama gave his climate change address at the UN.
CBC's 'At Issue' panel last Thursday called out Cannon's remarks blaming Iggy for any UN seat loss. I expect more of this should the CPC stupidly launch attack ads about this. If anything it will put 5 years of the Harper government's foreign policy blunders under the spotlight.
Just heard Ignatieff speak in his news conference. Too many issues raised and no sound bites.
Someone buy this man a pithy phrase or two.
The attacks ads are there to prove to Canadians that Lawrence Martin's assessment of Harper's moronicons was completely accurate.
The UNB gets in the way of the elites who govern Harper, the Texalberta Petroligarchy.
No B in UN.
I'm thinking, judging by the initial reaction, the Cons don't run these ads.
Let's hope, judging by the initial reaction, that the Cons do run these ads.
However, the CBC certainly loves this latest Conservative whining point. Their article at repeats it as the story and Evan Solomon couldn't talk about it enough on P&P tonight.
Never underestimate the media's ability to ignore the substance of a story for the shiny distraction from the story.
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