TransCanada Corp.’s Keystone XL, the largest of the three lines, will bring the most benefit to Alberta thanks to oil-sands development, CERI said. It will add $121-billion in incremental tax revenue over 25 years, while Ontario will receive $6-billion, and $2-billion will end up in B.C. Gateway, on the other hand, will add $73-billion to Alberta’s coffers, $4-billion in Ontario, and $1-billion in B.C.
Kinder Morgan Inc.’s Trans Mountain expansion effort would translate into $60-billion in incremental tax revenue for Alberta, with Ontario and B.C. again left with scraps. Meanwhile, existing pipelines are expected to add $298-billion to Alberta’s pockets, with $15-billion to Ontario and $5-billion to B.C.
Now factor in so called "MILD" dutch disease, which is acknowledged, and you have any upside basically negated for a province like Ontario. Of course we must factor in equalization payments, but the point is quite clear, when it comes to oil sands development grand inequalities exist. That Gateway will add SEVENTY THREE times more revenue to Alberta than B.C. really an indictment of the Canadian federation as it stands.
This report again obliterates the notion that Canadian future prosperity is largely tied to oil sands development. In fact, if these numbers hold true, the obscene disparities will only further fracture Canadian commonality. The numbers also suggest a national energy strategy proposed by Alberta is really a mechanism to appease the rest of Canada while the province sets itself apart, as though on another tier. I make no apologies for the notion that a country should see benefits for all its citizenry, which is why I find our constitutional framework outdated and frankly insulting to an ideal surrounding a "greater good" mentality.
Critics argue B.C. is holding Alberta hostage with its unprecedented demands. While political opportunism is part of the equation, there does exist a fundamental philosophical argument, that really speaks to a generosity, not withstanding agreements made two centuries ago. Fact is, B.C. are challenging the constitution in a non direct fashion, natural resources aren't neat boxes that solely fall within a provincial jurisdiction and as such require a wider perspective. If we view ourselves as Canadians first- provinces a secondary identity- than there is nothing particularly offensive about shared benefits, particularly when calculating political risks.
I believe we are entering a long protracted battle that will dominate the federation for years to come. On the one hand, other provinces lamenting disparity, which will further irritate Alberta. On the other, I see a developing sense of isolation from Albertans and ever growing succession considerations as money pours in, the narrow greed perspective takes hold, acrimony leading to more pronounced fractures. In other words, this debate could well tear the country apart, particularly as disparities become more advanced, the practical manifestations plan to the naked eye, human nature being what it is.
What this report highlights is that British Columbia has a very fundamental point, as well as justification for any hesitations coming from places like Ontario. As well, the sales pitch we routinely hear to sell the oil sands to the "rest" of Canada looks paltry and very much like scraps. Never mind a national energy strategy, perhaps it is time to ponder the unthinkable, natural resources as the property of all Canadians. Insane, unworkable, a non starter, but really if Canada is a modern entity, a common sense consideration.