The biggest slide was in the subject of climate change. “Last year, the federal government was awarded a B-,” says Emilie Moorhouse, Atmosphere and Energy Campaigner. “But this year, Minister Ambrose did not read the crib notes from Minister Dion and we had to award her an ‘F’ for her work domestically and expelled for her irresponsible actions on her Bonn field trip.”
The federal government’s performance earned them five ‘Fs’ this term, and an overall GPA (Green Perspective Average) of 0.75. “Canadians simply cannot accept such underachievement,” says Mr. Bennett.
Other tidbits:
The governments of Québec, Prince Edward Island, and Newfoundland and Labrador received high grades for climate change programs while the Feds and Alberta were dismal students in virtually all subjects...
Ontario received an ‘F’ for its decision to invest $46B in nuclear power, the most expensive and dangerous choice for power.
Completely expected, especially given the fact that all the Conservatives have accomplished so far is to undermine any and all environmental initiatives. With the Liberals apparently ready to engage in substantial dialogue on the environment, the NDP proposing a myriad of initiatives and the Greens remaining steadfast, the Conservatives look more and more like environmental dinosaurs. Despite the spin that concrete measures are on the way, it is simply counter-intuitive to expect much from a Minister who's alliances are well known. At least next year, when Ambrose gets a D, she can claim progress- set the bar low, real low.

Here's the thing however (I just did a post on this as well). I heard this guy on the radio, and he's about as excusive-left as they get. It would be impossible for a government to recieve a lower mark when it has only been in power for four months, think about it. And tell me how the Liberals get a B- for increasing greenhouse gas emmissions by over 20%. This Stephen Hazell guy actually said on the radio today they got a higher mark JUST FOR SIGNING KYOTO, and that they had PROMISED to do better in the future. What a load of garbage. That in itself eliminates the entire study.....
"when it has only been in power for four months"
I read that to mean the Conservatives incomptence is unparalled, and a tribute to going backwards.
Dazz, no one suggests the Liberals were environmental champions, although there is some evidence to suggest much of the effort was beginning to come on board. I'm sorry to say this, but while I was reading your reply I was looking for the bashing Liberal reference, because I have yet to hear one counter to Conservative criticism that doesn't distract from the point by raising the previous administration. What have the Conservatives done? Period.
Oh, I agree 100% on that one, even I am waiting for the "environment agenda", but not holding my breath. I vote conservative because I agree with the policy, but am also on the watch for stupidity.
It got my goat because when I heard this guy on the radio, he couldn't have been a bigger Liberal apologist.
although there is some evidence ....
It seemed to be the trademark of the last few years of Liberal power to me, lost of evidence without actuall proof of accomplishment.
Take Trudeau, I couldn't stand the guy but at least he did what he set out to do.
I'm not too impressed with the Conservatives on this either....
I agree, but I do think Dion was serious about implementation and the fact that he was held in such high esteem, despite the lack of concrete action, speaks to some level of confidence in his future direction. Apart for this fact, clearly the Liberals were largely a failure in a practical sense.
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