Read it here first - Outremont, the surest thing of surest things for the Liberal Party, may fall to the Tories. This by-election is shaping up to be the a thrilla, on manila, at least.
This fiery start shows us the Tories have no intention of letting the Dippers win this riding. And it makes sense: the Dippers will steal votes from the Liberals and the Bloc. Tories will steal votes from the Liberals and the Bloc. On this fragmented landscape, the Tories have every chance of taking this riding. Outremont ain't what it used to be.
Tomorrow, I will pen my detailed analysis of how the Liberals can orchestrate a red wave that will sweep rural Alberta.

Firey start?
This would be the delusional crowd.
Up next? All those living in the past, step forward.
If Chucker is right and Duguay has a chance, we may have a 4 way 25% each type of vote.
The Bloq will get votes, but how many will the Tories claw away?
Coulon will get votes, but how many will Mulcair claw away?
25.1% might be the winning margin.
...if Chucker is right.
I'd think that Thomas Mulcair would do well. He was a very popular Liberal minister (provincial level).
I live in Outrement.
They are crazy and have no idea about my riding.
The Liberal team in Outrement runs like a machine.
Yes M Mulcair will bleed some votes away but if Lapierre can get elected here, anyone can.
'Up next? All those living in the past, step forward.'
I wonder if Outremont is one of the 12 ridings that Cote 'helped' with a little cash??
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