The survey, conducted July 9 to 13, found only six per cent of respondents were concerned about Canada's role in Afghanistan, well behind the 34 per cent of respondents who mentioned environmental issues when asked what "single issue" they were most concerned about among "all the issues facing the world today."
In total, 17 per cent of respondents listed global warming and weather changes as their top concerns, while 17 per cent singled out the environment and pollution as priorities. The health system, a longtime priority in most recent election campaigns, was mentioned by only four per cent of respondents.
Nobody buying what Baird is selling:
The poll also found that governments have low approval ratings on global warming, with 72 per cent saying the federal government was not doing enough
The mainstream is beginning to accept the seriousness, further isolating the manic stragglers, railing against common sense and overwhelming science. When almost ten times more Canadians mention the environment, over a traditional powerhouse issue like health care, it is clearly a great sign. Put that in your "junk science" hat and smoke it :)

Promising sign, indeed.
Let's hope that Suzuki and Gore do not run for office anytime soon. It would undermine both their imporance as activists and the green momentum that has been built up.
70% also expressed disappointment with the provincial governments and their efforts. McGuinty's failure to close the coal fired plants as promised (although predictable to anyone who pays attention) probably hurt his credibility on the issue. Other provincial governments seem to be just as far behind.
I am really surprised by the way health care has completely fallen off the map with regards to issues. Maybe Martin did fix health care for a generation? Or maybe people gave up trying to fix it?
It could be though that the 17% who stated pollution/environment as priorities were thinking of health care by extension. In many areas (*cough* southwestern ontario *cough*) the pollution is so bad that the health effects are clearly seen. As well, I wonder if issues like the emerald ash borer also played into things.
The power of environmental propaganda is indeed impressive. The breakthrough was made when 'environmentalists' copied the religious movements - people now have repentance and rituals that they can relate to. Guilt for being alive and consuming - but a ritual to deal with that guilt by recycling the sacred garbage and spending large amounts of money trying to be 'environmentally conscious'. Brilliant.
shorter anon
Blah, blah, blah, blah...
Not to burst your bubble, but I was one of those 1016 canadians that was involved in this survey.From the start I thought this poll was to do with healthcare in Canada.
As it went on and the type of questions that they were asking, I started to pay alot more attention.At this point I was asking them to re-ask the question and my choices for answers.
Once I clued in to what they were looking for; the choices did not suit the questions. That is when I started saying that I could not make a choice....go figure.
Clue in?
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