I'm sure when the dust settles on the latest example of Conservative "chill", we will be left with a confusing mess of conflicting arguments. There will be no real smoking gun(pun intended) that this government actively suppressed opposition to their gun registry policy, but given past patterns and KNOWN tactics, those with half a clue will conclude the obvious. You see, with government, if you dissent, you now know full well that you may face consequences.
These are the supposed people that champion the whistle blower, believe that government can't be trusted and checks must exist, to ensure full light is cast in all corners. And yet, in practice, this Conservative government is the most secretive, least transparent, patently hypocritical manifestation that has graced the federal scene. Fall in line, don't challenge, a thread of fear to keep opposition stifled. One wonders what else is going on behind the scenes, on a host of files, that will never reach the light of day, because of the current climate in Ottawa?
I'm sure it's all coincidence that the biggest pro-gun registry advocate in the RCMP is suddenly brushing up on his French, at the critical moment. I'm also sure it takes a certain degree of willful ignorance to believe the above is the full story.
The sad part is when first hearing of this story last night, not only was I not outraged at hearing about government interference within the RCMP; but I was no longer even surprised anymore.
If the roles were reversed and the Libs were in government suppressing and interfering with the RCMP about gun registry information; you can pretty much guarantee that the old Reform/Alliance would be screaming blue murder about this in opposition ...and rightfully so.
Now that they're in government it is perfectly fine to suppress information and silence whistle-blowers. And they'll just use this as an example of the media being left-biased.
Harperbots, please post here to defend your fearless leader's actions, or that is was all just coincidental ...I could use a big dose of Reformatory hypocrisy today.
That sentiment is what scares me the most- nobody is surprised or shock, just standard fare.
T that's just encouraging CanadianSense to talk about something completely unrelated.
Get ready for the pointless CS questions!
Gene Rayburn said...
T that's just encouraging CanadianSense to talk about something completely unrelated.
Top of the mornin' Gene,
Not sure but I almost take that as CanadianNumbskull only posts completely unrelated dribble after my ruminations. I can assure you she dumps pixelated diarrhea all over the web regardless of my posted thoughts on these blog-forums.
Also, I don't think Steve tolerates CS's posts. He has the same mentality as I do that crazy people shouldn't be allowed on the internet; let alone being given the opportunity to post messages.
Back at you Steve, you don't have to think too hard to realize governments interfering with the federal police force is all so, well, sub-continental is the word that first pops into my head. You expect this in Latin American nations with petty potentates sitting in place of a working democracy; not here. Maybe we finally are becoming a banana republic with snowploughs afterall?
I guess the best part, the continued silence on matters that used to draw such emotion shows that the conbots are hypocrites. Convictions of convience, the fact they still support shows all that matters is power. Imagine that :)
The timing is interesting - this happens when Candice Hoeppner is going on the road targetting NDP ridings.
Sorry, but it's just too obvious to me - Harper has ordered Elliott for his cause.
Elliot should be "fired" IMMEDIATELY.
RCMP is supposed to be a separate entity from the political/government parties. He's broker the rules.
TofKW good morning right back. I've actually been working on a greasemonkey script so I can block out CS posts on blogs. Sort of like the one that removes Justin Bieber but you can add as many trolls as you want. I might even call it Canadiansense.
How's things in KW these days? I grew up there.
Boring as usual. The LRT plans are still the big controversy in the local paper here.
Hey if Justin Bieber can be blocked out of our world, the same should be doable for Canadiansense ...hope you succeed :)
Maybe we finally are becoming a banana republic with snowploughs afterall?
I must say, KW, that image in my head has me chuckling (even if it is a depressing thought). I feel like I should affix new lyrics to that famous banana song:
Come Mr. Harperman
Hire 'nother Yesman
Press lights come
And you wanna go home
Day, where is Day!? Where is Day!? Where is Day-e-oooo!?
Press lights come
And you wanna go home
Sorry, people, I just couldn't help myself.
No apologies jkg, that was better musical satire than anything Weird Al concocted ...with the possible exception of his Star Trek version of Bohemian Rhapsody.
I am however not so amused with the Harper government's actions. Back in the day I used to growl at the Liberals when bullying and government interference came to light. Now it might be my 'oldtimers' kicking in, but as much as I was peeved I don't ever remember Chretien or Trudeau reaching the levels that Harper now employs. And though I was blissfully ignorant of it at the time, Mulroney also stifled descent; again nowhere near the levels of the Harper government.
Short of making opponents 'dissappear', I can't how much worse it can get after this. We are certainly a banana republic once that occurs. So with careers and reputations being 'disappeared', and official state media being launched with Kory-TeeVee, Canada has become some other shade of yellow at the present time.
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