Our Auditor General has concluded the Conservatives "misled" Parliament on the true costs of the most important military expenditure in our history. Worse, this dishonest presentation was done with an eye towards electoral desire, the ruse was ultimately an attempt to fool voters. Is there anything more offensive than a government intentionally misleading the citizens, in a self serving effort to maintain power? I don't even think the above is in question, to argue otherwise one must take leave of their basic common senses. This government savaged the Parliamentary Budget Officer even though we know they had similar numbers available at the time, they questioned the patriotism of anyone who dared questioned, they talked of contracts, fear mongered on job losses, stuck to outdated figures in a concerted effort to make it through an election. That is patently despicable, serious and unsettling, to not give this "scandal" it's proper place in ultimate verdict, sad and quite telling.
This government has buried sweeping changes to multiple jurisdictions within the budget, going well beyond traditional precedents. This government has gutted environmental reviews, undone decades of work in this regard, to the point former Progressive Conservative Environment Minister's have sounded the alarm bell, loud and clear. This government has intimidated dissenters, made outlandish allegations, put the "chill" on charities, all congealing into a picture which doesn't represent any democratic debate I'm familiar with. Alarming is kind, you pick you sector, how these Conservatives operate is akin to the type of bullying we see more with despots, rather than a modern, "envy of the world" democracy. There is a clear pattern here, so brilliant in its simplistic symmetry to be blinding.
The Conservatives sanctioned lying to voters in a Liberal held riding, faced with robocall accusations coming from Elections Canada they react with baseless accusations of their own, their counter strategy a utter farce unbecoming of an actual government that represents this country. Even on issues that one can support philosophically, like raising the retirement age, the Conservatives hid this thrust until they were free and clear of the electorate they claim to represent. No matter where you look, this is a government that exudes questionable ethical standards, they live on "the line", a line which is nothing to be proud of, or aspire to replicate.
This government has lowered the discourse, created a poison atmosphere, made access to information harder, stifled dissenting opinion, put shackles on scientists, released a budget which made "austerity" really a laundry list of going after every foe they perceived, rather than a traditional "conservative" effort to tackle spending. Oh sure, the Conservatives can point to cutback in the PMO, etc, but that narrow claim is obliterated when we put along side the previous high percentage increases, a net nothing, much different than real erosion's elsewhere.
I'm sorry, but partisanship aside, how anyone can condone the way this government operates, how they can simply ignore the overall flavour, simply confining their gaze to desirable policy expressions, represents a failure to act as any responsible observer. It has been quite a year, and it has served to vindicate every single person who spoke of "scary Harper", not only was it NOT hyperbole, it was bang on. This majority is Harper in his full glory. The bully with no regard for democracy, the authoritarian right wing ideologue in the pocket of narrow economic interests, prone to low rent tactics that forever undermine any level of civil discourse, this is Canada under this "regime". There is nothing to endorse here, an embarrassing episode in Canadian history which future generations will shake their heads at, so apparent the transgressions as is the wilfully ignorant "analysis" we must endure.
One need look no further for comparison than the first year after A. Hitler became Chancellor of Germany on January 30, 1933. By the one year anniversary, the Reichstag Fire decree, the Enabling Act, the ban on all other political parties had been enacted ending with the Act to Rebuild the Reich being enacted on the one year anniversary.
Obviously, lessons have been learned and Harper is not as bad as that, therefore he is to be cheered.
Clearly you have a bad attitude and are disloyal. Do you support the troops?
This edition of "CPC logic" is brought to you by the BT collective.
Let's leave the Hitler references to Harper :)
Given all the transgressions that you outline I was particularly perturbed by Kathleen Monk's performance on yesterday's The Current. The show devoted an entire hour to Harper's first year and Monk could not have lobbed softballs at his government any softer then she did. With all that has transpired under the Harper majority these past 12 months, how (and why) she didn't come out guns-a-blazing is a complete baffle to me. I also thought there should have been a Liberal voice on the show, but instead we were offered that towering bastion of progressive intellect, L.Ian MacDonald. Left-leaning media conspiracies, you say? Um, sure.
The Northern Foundation Party of 1989, is Harper's true party. They said, the skinheads organized Harper's party for him.
Canada is a cesspool of corruption, because of Harper's lies, deceit, thefts, and cheating to win.
The election isn't valid and Harper is not our leader. Harper is the only one being investigated for election fraud and the robo-calls. Over half of Canadians did not want Harper as P.M...he knew it, he cheated. Now 2/3 of Canadians want Harper gone.
Yay. More Hitler/Nazi references should clarify the LPC policies.
Are Stephen Harper, his appointed Ministers and Cabinet, the elected federal MP's or appointed Senators.. hired consultants et al ... collectively representing the ideals, needs, wishes and concerns of those Canadians that elected them to do so ?
That's a fair question.. and not so complicated.
Candada and all Canadians.. are the dog
Harper et al are the tail that wags.. or the rump
If instead, Stephen Harper is using his democratically elected office and power to implement his own or other entities agendas, beliefs.. wishes ..
Then his actions are not valid or defensible.
He has no standing .. nor confidence of the nation
At this point.. rather than further bluster and denials
a sane man admits his errors and defeat and steps away
... for the honor and betterment of his nation .....
You said it incredibly well. This is a litmus test for Canadian political journalists and commentators. Those who endorsed, and continue to endorse harper, show that they're unfit for their positions and not deserving of our respect.
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