However, those over zealous PMO staffers are at it again, and in so doing have put the focus back on the "priorities" of the Harper government:
The Prime Minister’s office has sent information to The Barrie Advance regarding a money-losing speech Liberal leader Justin Trudeau made in Barrie in 2007.
There seems a strange obsession with all things third party leader in the PMO and Conservative Party. Perhaps a full circle moment, as we all recall the attack ad that featured Trudeau RAISING MONEY for a good cause. What this latest attempt to manipulate the news reveals, the PMO seems to have plenty of time on its hands, pouring over Trudeau materials, rather than growing the Canadian economy and whatnot.On Monday, PMO communications officer Erica Meekes sent The Advance details of an engagement that netted Trudeau a $10,000 fee, but left Georgian College with a $4,118 shortfall. The information was sent via email with the caveat it be referred to as coming from a “source,” not the PMO, when used.
Interestingly, I just saw a quick morning news show segment completely mocking the PMO for their messed up priorities, part of an unfortunate pattern, that ends up saying more about the messenger than the message. The fact the event in question occurred prior to Trudeau even becoming a MP, all the more delicious in terms of triviality, pettiness and misguided focus. In other words, you've blown it PMO, this Trudeau "story" is now lost in the partisan nastiness realm, a guaranteed tune out with the public, with the added bad taste left on your brand.
Enjoy, I'm sure today the PMO is back to "focusing on the economy like a laser beam", right after they pour over all their internal polls that show Trudeau is potentially poised to kick their sorry asses. The attention towards Trudeau is telling indeed....