I am not against hunting by any means. What does gall me is when traditional hunting is replaced by “sport” hunting, where rich men with toys want to play god. The perfect example is found in Ontario where wealthy American clients come to Canada to bag themselves a black bear. The site is baited, while the “hunters” hide in a tree and wait for the bear to arrive. Bear shows up, man with gun makes boom and the hunt is over. What a farce, that has no correlation to hunting. The single purpose of these hunts, like this asshole that killed the hybrid, is to get a pelt to put on a wall. These hunts aren’t about food, or population control, just pure ego.
Given the dire predictions for the future of the polar bear, it is especially distasteful to know that these hunts still take place. The lure of money seems to trump common sense for an endangered species. These Ted Nugentesque “big game” hunters are a scourge, which represent the worst in man. Canada should ban foreign hunting, because 90% of it is pure exploitation of our natural treasures for simple ego gratification.

You're misinformed.
The Ontario spring bear hunt, which involved hunting over bait, with many American hunters coming north to bag a bear, was banned by the Mike Harris government.
That would be several years ago.
You're misinformed- there is still a fall hunt. Blinds and dogs are the preferred tactics for these noble hunters.
It is totally disgusting to hunt in this manner. Thanks for the info in your post.
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