Ambrose's new line of attack is that Canada will not participate in Kyoto, unless all countries agree to sign-on. A non-starter if I every heard one, considering the American position, not to mention Australia's John Howard pimping his copout partnership just this week. I thought we were all about "made in Canada" now? If that is true, then Canada can commit to emissions reductions in the second phase of Kyoto because it is a domestic target. Obviously, emissions are a global challenge, but that fact doesn't mean Canada does nothing because others don't want to play. Ambrose repeatedly says will reduce emissions with the Conservatives policies, so what is the problem with accepting a binding agreement? Match a signature with the rhetoric if you are so committed.
When pressed on the issue, Ambrose falls back on completely unrelated topics. Ambrose mentions the clean water agreement with the Americans in answering a question on emissions. Apples and oranges, not to mention a dishonest attempt to change the channel. Ambrose also lauded her coming initiative to have 5% non-fossil fuels by 2010, forgetting that Canada was well on the way to reaching that target prior to this government taking over. Thank madcow, not Rona Ambrose, because that event led animal renderers to invest in biodiesel to offset loses from the cattle industry.
Ambrose also had the audacity to say, that unlike the Liberals who want to "cut and run", the Conservatives will stay at the Kyoto table and work towards a solution. Trouble is, what the Conservatives are saying has no resemblence to what other countries are proposing and she makes a mockery of the entire process. Ambrose also said that the Canadian delegation is very well respected at the Bonn talks, failing to mention the disparaging remarks coming from signature countries like Germany. Ambrose also mentions other countries failing to meet targets, particularly Brazil, which again deflects the argument away from Canada. Made in Canada, made in Canada, not contingent on Rio- geezus! What an embarrassing horror show of double-speak, a fact not lost on the questioneer. Check out this interview, but please wear a suitable bullshit deflector, because it comes in thick waves.

Under the Liberal regime, emmissions increased close to 35%. If we were all to stop breathing and shut down all plants, cars, etc, we still couldn't reach our Kyoto goal. Signing a piece of paper does nothing for the environment, as the Liberals have proven. Only 38 out of close to 280 countries on the planet have signed Kyoto, and only 19 of those are even attempting to follow the Accord, it's a dumb idea, admit it.
The Liberals have done far more to screw up the environment than to help it, and the new government knows this. So do the Liberals. They want Ambrose to resign because they know she can prove them wrong....period.
Quit blaming the old staple, nobody argues the Liberals did a good job. What is alarming is what this government has done since the election. Slashed and burned programs that were effective, with NO replacements. The second phase of Kyoto has nothing to do with the Liberals-it's really a simple proposition moving forward. Do you favor binding targets to cut emissions? Ambrose has made it known she favors the sellout Asia-Pacific Partnership, which is voluntary with no targets. What does that have to do with the Liberals?
BTW, you are repeating the already debunked Ambrose line of planes, trains and automobiles. As I posted earlier, Alberta now emits more greenhouse gase than Ontario, despite having one fourth the population. Where are the emissions coming from? Remember Ambrose's former role as advisor to Klein(and by extension oil and gas) to kill Kyoto.
Kyoto has flaws, but this next phase is the real test to curb emissions. It's a copout to mention other countries, especially when you constantly speak of "made in Canada". Again, are we going to reduce emissions substantially or not, that is the only question being addressed in these new talks. Moving towards Asia-Pacific is a clear sign that the answer is NO and you don't have to be too smart to see it.
--Under the Liberal regime, emmissions increased close to 35%.--
Well, first of all lets make sure that we get our numbers right. The actual number is 28% increase which is 34% above our target. I am also unsure if that 28% is what we have actually increased in between 1990 and now, or is it our projected increase from 1990 through 2012. I have looked around and I can't seem to find the answer to that one.
--If we were all to stop breathing and shut down all plants, cars, etc, we still couldn't reach our Kyoto goal.--
Seriously, how much sense does that make to you? Our goal is to be producing about the same emissions as we did in 1985. My memory is foggy, but I am sure that Canadians breathed, had open factories and cars in 1985. All it takes is putting forth policies that promote more efficient cars, promote wind power and solar power. There is no need for Canadians to reduce our standard of living. The solutions are there, we just continue to promote and finance the wrong things.
--Only 38 out of close to 280 countries on the planet have signed Kyoto,--
163 countries have signed as of april.
--and only 19 of those are even attempting to follow the Accord, it's a dumb idea, admit it.--
Not exactly. One signatory Country is not attempting to follow the accord - Canada. Yes, only a small number of Countries were asked to sign on for legally binding emissions cuts in the first round (The ones that have in the last 200 years created almost all of the ghg). But in the round that is being negotiated right now more countries are being asked to make cuts. And similarly just because certain countries were not required to make legally binding cuts does not mean that they have not been making progress on CO2 emissions. Many have.
--The Liberals have done far more to screw up the environment than to help it, and the new government knows this. So do the Liberals.--
The Liberals stunk when it comes to the environment. The question is are the Conservatives going to do better or worse? If their actions in opposition and their couple months in government are any indication then the answer is "much, much worse."
--They want Ambrose to resign because they know she can prove them wrong....period.--
They want Ambrose to resign because she (and the Conservatives) disagree with the idea, framework and goal of Kyoto. Common sense dictates that she should not be chairing the negotiations for future ghg emissions cuts.
Rona Ambrose in an idiot. Who the hell the voted for her?
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