Canada doesn't have a climate change program anymore," said Dale Marshall, a policy analyst for the David Suzuki Foundation, a Canadian environmental group. Canada is currently chairing the meetings on the Kyoto accord, and it is "embarrassing to have a chair that doesn't even believe in the agreements," he said. "Other countries, in the European Union, are absolutely committed to meeting their Kyoto targets and are on track."…
The government's environmental plan -- one paragraph in a budget document replacing 25 pages in the previous government's budget -- drew immediate protest…
The article also makes the statement that Canada’s position is now the same as the Bush administration, which translates into dangerous denial and complete inaction. I want to see the opposition parties demand that Ambrose resign her post because he mere presence makes a mockery of Kyoto and does a disservice to the nations who are really on board. If Canada wants to implement its own agenda(cough), then it can’t carry on in its present role. Ambrose’s presence has a negative impact on Canada’s international representation. Hammer Ambrose daily, until she is forced to resign, and show Canadians that this government has no environmental agenda, besides smoke and mirrors. Ambrose is a national disgrace in her current role.

I am devistated that Canada has effectively dumped its commitment to the Kyoto accord with the release of the budget yesterday. The conservatives are buying votes rather than investing in the future. I cannot believe it.
I am not surprised at this, as the big oil companies out West do not to go along with Kyoto and to do anything about this, would be political suicide for the Cons.
I sm slmost ashamed to live here, although I am a 4th generation Canadian.
This is sadly ironic:
"A scientific study commissioned by the Bush administration concluded yesterday that the lower atmosphere was indeed growing warmer and that there was "clear evidence of human influences on the climate system." "
Apparently, Ambrose has had several discussions with her American counterparts. Wouldn't it be sad if the Americans began to lecture Canada on ways to curb emissions.
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