Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Runa Awaybrose

You know you are in trouble, when friendly media writes a scathing critique. The National Post on Rona Ambrose:
Her debut has been less than wow-worthy as she stumbles through this minefield of a portfolio, setting off explosions with every misstep. She's had facts challenged and been found wanting. Her promises of great things to come in environmental legislation delivered only disappointment.
Rumours rumble around that industries are being called into her department to see if they have any tangible ideas to bolster an immediate government action plan.
Staffing has become a revolving door and she was recently saddled with a controversial social conservative as a chief of staff, undoubtedly against her will.
What we have here is a portfolio in obvious trouble at the precise moment the environment has surpassed health to become the top policy priority of Canadians.

The final straw:
But now comes the biggie -- the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change in Nairobi. Expected there to hand over the chairpersonship to the next host country, Ambrose sent her farewell speech electronically to unimpressed observers, her arrival delayed until next week.

It really is ridiculous that we have an Environment Minister, at such a crucial period, who literally HIDES. You can’t lead from a foxhole. With every turn Ambrose sends out a consistent message of complete and utter incompetence.


Karen said...


I haven't heard anything about the committee that Layton prompted, have you?

I still don't believe that Harper is going allow the opposition to completely re-write the Clean/Dirty Air Act, but we'll see.

Steve V said...


I wonder if the Conservative response could argue about the positive aspects of the Tory plan, instead of constantly blaming the Liberals. I agree, the Liberals failed, but what does that have to do with Ambrose's incompetence? The dodge and weave gets less traction with each disappointing day.

Anonymous said...

If you give Bud enough band width, he'd add that it was that cursed Louis St Laurent who put the enviro file really in the bed pan, allowing those fan-dangle prop airplanes to park on concrete runways, while giving grand guy Ike the cold shoulder when he wanted to spark-up those 18-cylinder tanks, saving 1.3 cents on an imperial gallon ~ damn that Uncle Louie!

ottlib said...

It was not supposed to be this way. The environment was not supposed to be a big issue so putting Ms. Ambrose there was just supposed to be a present to a loyal Canadian Alliance hack who was then supposed to just disappear.

Unfortunately, various events have made the environment the key issue which have denied her the opportunity to disappear and which has probably caused Stephen Harper to regret rewarding her with that post.

As for bud and his ilk, do not discourage him from the strategy he is following. Every time Canadians hear Conservatives blame the former government for their own failings just makes their fall that much more inevitable.

So bud blame away.

Steve V said...


Conservatives have used the Liberal crutch for so many years they are having a hard time accepting responsibility. Afterall, the Tory bluebook bashes the Liberals first, then talks about their ideas- it's all about tearing down, moreso than a real alternative. Ambrose is hiding because of Trudeau's NEP, it's quite simple.

Steve V said...


"The environment was not supposed to be a big issue so putting Ms. Ambrose there was just supposed to be a present to a loyal Canadian Alliance hack who was then supposed to just disappear."

I agree, in the sense that the Conservatives misjudged the mood of the country. There was NO plan, apart from putting an anti-Kyoto team in place. I don't think you had to be terribly perceptive to see the looming consensus on climate change.

Steve V said...


Interesting, and entirely depressing :)

Anonymous said...

This caught my eye:

"Rumours rumble around that industries are being called into her department to see if they have any tangible ideas to bolster an immediate government action plan."

Another case of the kids not doing their homework. Nine months they've been in office, and they're just now asking for ideas?


Steve V said...


Bingo! If the Conservatives were really serious about "made in Canada", then why did they enter government with no plan. All the other opposition parties have detailed approaches, and the Tories had zilch. This fact tells us all we need to know about how seriously they take climate change. The only motivation now, damage control to stop the bleeding, as opposed to moral obligation.