"Let's be clear, let's take the labels off here. There are no more Ignatieff people, Dion people, Dryden people, Brison people, there are Liberals and we have to fight and win as a team. I've passed that message right throughout, I've passed that message in the Outremont election. All of my people worked hard in that election, we will work in the future, because that's what matters."
Can you spot the inconsistency?

I noticed it. The very fact Ig had to go on national TV to proclaim loyalty is telling.
Actually, this faxu pas could help Dion. Ig has declared that Lapierre & related puffn' disturbers are actually his people. Therefore, any leaks coming out of Quebec are attributable to Ig who then must be accountable.
See? Besides, y'all need to relax. Dion will do much better in Quebec than the polls show. He speaks French eloquently and he will connect quite easily in the 25-30 ridings that he really needs to.
Ig refers to "my people." If he's serious about all are liberal, without camps, he needs to watch those slips.
Therefore, any leaks coming out of Quebec are attributable to Ig who then must be accountable.
You're an idiot. The last thing we need is 30% of the party to get pissed off and sit out because they consistently face the charge of inciting sabotage and can’t do their part because of rampant paranoia. We are close to that point.
With that being said, Ignatieff did slip up there, but I can understand why he would need to make it clear on national tv. When you are the runner up, it’s easier to be blamed rather then focusing on fundamental core problems facing the party. Very typical for the LPC as history has shown and as the following comments show.
See? Besides, y'all need to relax. Dion will do much better in Quebec than the polls show. He speaks French eloquently and he will connect quite easily in the 25-30 ridings that he really needs to.
Yeah, don’t worry be happy.
Steve : Can you spot the inconsistency?
I'm not sure I'd call it inconsistency, but my contribution to that ask would be...Rae.
He did well and practically laughed at the dim-wit Taber, but in a good way that played. Charm offensive. She's looking for dirt, he's "hoovering" well ahead of her. We need more of this.
Back to Rae, in his way, he agreed with Rae's recent missive, though you never heard that. That is his foe, not Dion, imo.
Sad really. They, Rae and Ignatieff, were friends.
I'm 900 ft jesus on this one. All of my people
"Sad really. They, Rae and Ignatieff, were friends."
I don't want to re-hash the leadership ;), but I remember thinking last summer that Rae was Ignatieff's trump card in the convention. I always assumed, in the end, despite differences, Rae would move to support his friend. The way I read it, it was something beyond politics. Apparently not.
"Let's be clear, let's take the labels off here. There are no more Ignatieff people, Dion people, Dryden people, Brison people, there are Liberals and we have to fight and win as a team.
This is the part you should be focussing on. To do otherwise would just be petty.
I'll focus with my own eyes thanks :)
Why James? Do you think that if Steve hadn't brought it up no one would have noticed?
The rest of us have ears and brains too. Holding your team to account brings the standard up. Anything else is just pom-poms.
(I'll note that I'm just another cheerleader.)
A perfectly legitimate misstep. He first made the major statement that there are no more labels, which hopefully carries more weight than 'my people.'
What happened to the 'Stronach' and 'Clement' people after the last CON leadership royale? Did they dissipate into thin air, become part of the vacuum which Harper now envisions as the wave to his majority? Or, as most likely, they coalesced into a team that apparently doesn't mind being ball-gagged and lied to, whispering (when permitted) 'Hit me again oh Master Harper!'
Thanks for your thoughts Steve,
But you should know, every elected MP has a group of close supporters, which they may refer to as their election team.
An elected MP depends on their election team as their people.
I thought he was simply GRAND..Oh how I love to see Taber LOOK LIKE AN IDIOT...gramps
I believe that Iggy has laid down his arms and fully supports Dion. Unfortunately, the cry babies in his camp didnt get the memo. Iggy lost the convention because he made a few ill advised comments and had a lacklustre speech at the convention. (I was there and the room was dead, except for his supporters). In addition, another reason why Iggy lost the convention was not necessarily Iggy, but it was his supporters. Too brash, too cocky...seems like nothing has changed. I have warmed up to Iggy since the convention, but he needs to weed out these cry babies that threaten the overall hopes of this party. I went to the Iggy after party at the convention and he was very humble and well spoken as always and I thought then that he might have been the better choice. However, lets play it out with Dion, get behind him and give it an honest effort. If not then it will not be Dion's fault if we lose, it will be the fault of those that did not give it an honest effort.
"I thought he was simply GRAND..Oh how I love to see Taber LOOK LIKE AN IDIOT...gramps'
It was pretty impressive the way Ignatieff easily tossed aside Taber's lines of attack. That kind of confidence is perfect.
I thought that quote was hilarious -- was watching it over the internet at the airport yesterday and I think I disturbed some nearby people with my laughter.
It'll be interesting to see how Ignatieff's demeanour in that interview is taken. One man's self-assurance is another's arrogance, and I can see how it could be taken in either way -- that's the sort of thing that really put some people off Ignatieff last year. (I thought it was a bum rap. On the other hand, I also thought that Ignatieff could have been more at home in my political party, the Conservatives, than the present-day Liberals.)
Anyway, he's learning. It'll be interesting to see how he plays the political game in three, four years. (Just like the PM has been learning -- compare his last two press conferences with how he handled the media during the '06 campaign.)
Will the Liberals be back in government by then? We'll see.
It may have been a direct message to "his" people.
Or, do we over analyse things these days?
Taber kept at him liked he was to answer to her personally (she's such a bad reporter and interviewer) - she wanted the personal conversations between Ignatieff and Dion - I loved his response - she didn't know what to say then.
CTV need to get some decent political people - Duffy and QP are so bad.
My husband walked in the room when I was watching it and he said - he (Ignatieff) sure looks prime ministerial doesn't he.
I thought Iggy looked like an absolute Jack Ass on QP yesterday. There is a reason the man will never be the Liberal leader. Wish he would go back to Harvard.
"I thought Iggy looked like an absolute Jack Ass on QP yesterday."
Wow, if you thought that was good, you should really check out Baird next time he appears. Hee Haw, Hee Haw.
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