Liberals will attempt to turn the tables today on rival parties who’ve ridiculed them for being afraid of toppling the minority Conservative government.
They’ll introduce a motion condemning the NDP and Bloc Quebecois for defeating the previous Grit government in November 2005, thereby enabling Stephen Harper’s Tories to win power.
The motion slams the Harper government for setting back women’s equality rights by cancelling such Liberal measures as the Court Challenges Program and a national child care program.
And it concludes by resolving that the House of Commons "condemn the irresponsible and self-serving actions on Nov. 25, 2005, by the New Democratic Party and the Bloc Quebecois which led to the installation of a government that is hostile to the rights and needs of vulnerable Canadians."
The above motion merely amplifies the Liberal woes, with such nonsensical language. Better to stay silent, than whine about the past. Ride it out, that's the price you pay for hiding behind the curtain, it just is.
Jeff brings word on another motion the Liberals are planning. This one has an air of authenticity.

Do they realize this is 2008! Perhaps they've been hiding on Mars with their eyes closed, and ears plugged.
It really makes you wonder, who the geniuses are plotting strategy.
You also have to wonder how such foolish posturing is going to play out if the next election gives the libs a minority and they suddenly have to play nice with either the Bloc or NDP.
As much as I think he's basically harmless and don't wish him too much harm, maybe Dion could just fake a nice nervous breakdown, or family emergency and call an emergency 30 day leadership race.
The added advantage would be leaving them little time to infiltrate and stack the ridings with their lackeys.
Because we all know that most of those new memberships sold last convention have probably lapsed. Mind you some of Volpe's followers may now be old enough to vote.
It is hard to stomach a motion that chastises the other opposition parties for hurting women's rights when so many Liberals are helping the Tories outlaw abortion.
I'm really curious about how this motion came to be. I mean, seriously, whose bright idea was this?
Whooee! Steve, I think it's only a matter of time before you and Jeff come over to the Green side. Shee-it! I'll even steal a line and ask you to lend us yer vote.
With all due respect, Steve, yer own party's lookin' more helpless and hopeless every day. This here motion is laughable. The way the Liberals knuckled under on Afghanistan was anything but laughable. The 7 members present for the budget vote was an embarrassment to all Canadians.
I figger there probbly ain't much in the Green policies and platform that you can't live with. If you can't live with the current Grits, hug a tree fer a an election cycle or two.
"I mean, seriously, whose bright idea was this?"
Not sure, but that person shouldn't be allowed within fifty miles of the Liberals "war room" come election time. Surely, someone said, "I'm not sure this is a winner" and if not, lord help us.
I can hardly wait to see Rick Mercer's take on this one.
Truly bizarre. I have been trying to come up with reasoning for this assinine motion, but I can't, it defies logic.
The thought has crossed my mind, but I'd rather keep up the pressure from the margins for now. I have some ideas, let's see how the next few weeks play out.
It's going to be so sad when Harper goes to the G-G and you go back to being a loyalist :)
It may be a stupid motion, but it's not exactly irrational. This...
"condemn the irresponsible and self-serving actions on Nov. 25, 2005, by the New Democratic Party and the Bloc Quebecois which led to the installation of a government that is hostile to the rights and needs of vulnerable Canadians." essentially correct.
How's that for shilling? God, the Party should pay me.
"It's going to be so sad when Harper goes to the G-G and you go back to being a loyalist :)"
I've never been a "loyalist". I'll be quite willing to criticize, where warranted, come election time.
Correct, and entirely irrelevant ;)
You've got the vote of my dad and his partner. This is since the 2007 Provincial election. Doesn't understand why I am still a Grit.
Don't think Dad will vote Grit in his lifetime. He was a Ed Broadbent fan and only voted Grit because of Chretien. Maybe Lizzie May should send him a birthday card. He turned 70 three months ago, so he is one of the oldest Green voters.
Correct, and entirely irrelevant
I know. Not relevant like Judy Wasylycia-Leis running to the media during the last election when the RCMP fed her information on a baseless charge of Liberal corruption.
And lets not forget Jeffrey Hansen-Carlson's libel.
Gosh...NDP moral rectitude is simply awe-inspiring, especially after the writ is dropped. I wonder if there's a way I can vote twice in the next election?
Mushroom, email me your Dad's address and I'll pass it along to the gal I adore.
I'm active in my Green EDA. I'd say average age is about 50. I'm 58. It ain't all young firebrands in the treehuggin' ranks. There's a few old firebrands, too.
We should just scrap all three parties and start fresh, each of them is a joke in their own right. Harper can't capitalize on Dion, Dion can't capitalize on Harper, Layton can't capitalize on the Liberals, in other words, voters don't care for any of them, all abysmal and frankly embarrassing.
We should just scrap all three parties and start fresh, each of them is a joke in their own right.
Sorry, I don't go in for year-zero fantasies ever since I was deprogrammed from Maoism.
If they're all jokes, then we have no one to blame but ourselves.
...and the media, which we should also blame on ourselves.
"Sorry, I don't go in for year-zero fantasies ever since I was deprogrammed from Maoism."
Maybe the Grits need to replace Dion with a Maoist. The closest we have is Sacha Trudeau.
Steve, I just don't know what to say. Utterly ridiculous. You've my sympathies because it's a sad day when the entire blogosphere goes crazy with laughter over a persons chosen allegiance.
Was the Liberal party done with Cadman? No more play? It was quite effective at toning out the budget non-show.
Why not Motions based on a Liberal policy? Something that neuters the NDP confidence motions? At least the Liberals would then look like they want to govern.
I just don't understand what the point of this is. There _has_ to be a point, right?
See what these kinds of post do? They draw out the Delisle gang, whose wise counsel is always rather suspect.
Maybe the Grits need to replace Dion with a Maoist. The closest we have is Sacha Trudeau.
The only Maoists we have in Canada are those for whom September 11, 2001 marks Year Zero. And we know who they are.
Tigger, _someone_ needs to share their council w/ the Liberals. I'd suggest Steve, Ted, Dan, Antonio, or Murney.
It's a little too obvious that the more left-leaning majority of the party has been enjoying a few too many from the seats at Hy's.
Good God, what are they pumping into the air around Delisle now?
Hadn't you heard? There is no pollution in Saskatchewan, we defeated the NDP.
Hy's . . . the bar . . . in Ottawa . . . . nevermind.
I know what Hy's is.
I just don't know what you're talking about.
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