Wednesday, March 26, 2008

When Cousins Marry

Even if you don't believe in climate change, everyone can agree that pollution is harmful, conservation a key component. I don't attach any meaningful significance to Earth Hour, apart from another vehicle to raise awareness, get people thinking about their habits, their impacts. At the very least, some urban kids might get a chance to see the milky way, little things.

With that simplistic notion in mind, it almost turns your stomach to listen to people, who essentially amount to piss in the gene poll. The misguided have a cause, boycotting Earth Hour. If you listen carefully, you can almost hear their knuckles dragging.


sassy said...

sound of knuckles dragging - so they will be able to find each other in the dark during Earth Hour ;-)

Steve V said...

lol. Actually, they should be fine, being in the dark is natural.