There is a certain momentum surrounding the prorogue issue. Plenty of detractors, but curiously they to seem consumed with the issue, so mission accomplished from my perspective. In signalling a return to work, Liberals have effectively guaranteed that this issue fills the political vacuum that Harper has created, voluntarily. This move also provides a shot in the arm to the grassroots efforts. So long as this decision brings a serious tone, I fail to see the real downside.

I hope the NDP and Bloc show up for support.
Curious as well.
Maybe it's better they don't. Such an arrangement would likely provide the Conservatives a platform to rail about Liberals, socialists and separatists plotting an overthrow of the democratically elected government during a constitutionally sound prorogue of parliament. Perhaps the Liberals should go this one alone.
Fair point. If the other parties do decide to join in, the Liberals should ensure they have their own agenda, independent of what others decide. No, walking in lockstep around Parliament Hill, apart from maybe some symbolism on the detainee issue. The Cons will surely use the same lines, but it's getting stale and it resonates less each time used. Maybe they can tie it to the sponsorship scandal ;)
Such an arrangement would likely provide the Conservatives a platform to rail about Liberals, socialists and separatists plotting an overthrow of the democratically elected government during a constitutionally sound prorogue of parliament.
I somewhat agree with Omar, I figured this out last night after I caught the news story that Ignatieff is recalling the Libs for Jan 25th. Took a minute or two after saying 'great move' ...but I figured that any photos of Iggy with Layton and Duceppe will cause Harper to throw around the coalition bogeyman story again.
Unfortunately for this to work at full effect, and in terms of historical precedent you need an invitation to all MPs, including the Cons (who won’t show up of course). I’m at a loss on how to respond to it right now, but you can bet Harper will lash out as such if this is wounding his poll numbers.
I don't think anybody has an interest in mock parliaments, or photo ops with other leaders. I think we will have a caucus meeting, a presser, a demonstration that Liberals are prepared to work. I assume people are watching for the pitfalls.
Fair enough, though I am somewhat curious about the mock parliament idea, especially the offer that Coyne & Wells made about hosting such a gathering. Something jovial could be held without anyone seriously believing this was some sort of shadowy alternate-parliament, yet still drilling home the point that Harper is running away from his responsibilities and abusing power.
Looks like the other parties will be around too:
Harper doing ANOTHER interview today. Hmmm, camera shy PM suddenly wants air time. I think that speaks volumes about nervousness.
Don't look now but the Facebook site is now up to 69,000 members, and will probably surpass 70K by the end of the night.
Still lots of bad press today if you review the various dailies around the country. In my neck of the woods, the K-W Record had two negative articles (for Harper) on page 3, and this was a paper that endorsed him the past two elections so it can't be called a pro-Grit rag.
Now Harper doing another interview?!?! Any details with who Steve? He's definitely feeling the heat if true.
Canwest, this time.
Is it lost on anyone that if all three opposition parties show up they actually constitute a representative majority. Less about the concept of coalition, more that the Tories are the minority and should not be allowed or able to dictate the procedures regarding parliament.
The ability to prorogue should be a matter which has to be tabled and voted....and should be a confidence vote. If you attempt to adjourn parliament you should be prepared to pay the cost of being defeated.
I am blown away that Harper can suspend government at will...we need a constitution change here.
You don't really need to change the Constitution, just some acknowledgement that the GG has descretion.
A little aside, one of my prorogue tweets was featured prominently on Global National tonight ;)
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