Nothing says resignation like turning terminal illness into a career opportunity. As someone who has lost someone to cancer, and is in the process of losing someone else to cancer as we speak, Raitt's comments can't be glossed over, no damage control, no bullshit from the PMO. Almost everyone I know has been touched, to some degree, by this incessant disease. This terrible fact won't allow excuses, and won't excuse looking at something so serious as "sexy" and good on the resume.
Lisa Raitt is DONE! Just get it over with, show some class and RESIGN. It's over, and if you decide to hold on, I'll be cheering with red in my eye as we go for the jugular. Get Raitt the hell out of there.
It isn't anymore offensive than "death by a thousand cold cuts" and Ritz didn't have to resign. Conservatives think this stuff is funny, dontcha know.
First - I am sorry for your loss.
My father is going through chemo right now so I hear you. In fact, I am pretty darn sure this episode has caused my once staunchly conservative mother to change her party of preference.
Yeah, that's the "real" story. Nice catch.
The lying, gossiping MP being all chummy with her press secretary and bragging to the driver about the "inside scoop" she's willing to spill to any casual acquaintance, when she's not distractedly whining about not being able to knock back a few drinks at her favorite haunt.
Yeah, she really scores points as a great source for juicy insights on how governments rise and fall. She probably even knows which intern bared too much skin at the last skank-fest.
Face it, that's the "real story" here.
Please, someone, call the adults and tell them we need them back in Ottawa.
Anon's comment at: 8:49 PM, June 08, 2009
This Anon is all over the blogosphere this evening just cutting & pasting this same comment on all posts on this topic. Did the Con trolls get their talking points ahead of the tape release?
"The lying, gossiping MP being all chummy with her press secretary and bragging to the driver about the 'inside scoop' she's willing to spill to any casual acquaintance, when she's not distractedly whining about not being able to knock back a few drinks at her favorite haunt."
I agree that this story needs a lot more looking into, but...
1) All the C-H seems to have done is ask the Liberals for comment. How about talking to other people who were at the meeting before publishing the contents of the tape? God knows, the wagons will be circling now.
2) I don't trust Lisa Raitt, but this was private conversation, so I don;t think she has a particular reason to lie. Maybe she's just repeating a rumour she heard, but the C-H found it crdible enough to publish and it's much more important than some political venial--if totally insensitive--private comments.
The con's already have their talking points about Iggy and the bankers. They have no shame. That wretch should resign and now. It is beyond me that anyone would even think of the word 'sexy' in reference to cancer and toxic leaks. What kind of evil world do the conservatives inhabit. I'm beginning to think they are pure evil not just incompetent. She should be so ashamed. Her riding should toss her out.
This Ignatieff angle is laughable. The guy didn't want the coalition, it wasn't bankers you stupid, silly morons. I can't, well yes I can, believe anyone takes Raitt seriously. I'd also add, if there were 100 bankers in a room, gee ya figure we might have heard about this by now, somewheres, other thatn some loose mouthed gossip and her dense sidekick that leaves shit everywhere.
As for the listeria reference, it's a good one. I think the only difference here is one of degree. That wasn't a bad joke, that was a crass display of opportunism.
I predict big backlash tomorrow, QP will be very emotional and hot, Raitt will be meek (apparently she cried tonight, apologizing to Aglukkaq- thank you PMO for that genuine leak). And, the sideplot, Baird is draw in on another matter, which just happens to look like the fiasco with E Health in Ontario. I say critical mass, she's gone.
Nathan Cullen was out tonight, very matter of fact saying she must resign.
Harper's apparently standing behind Raitt - she stays.
He stood behind Rona Nod Nod for the longest time. By the way, where is Rona Nod Nod these days?
I find it funny, the Con trolls (Anon) cutting and pasting this crap on a progressive site - I mean, really, how stupid.
Colleagues who've interacted with Ms Raitt on the TORONTO PORK Authority have always referred to Ms Raitt as "A REAL PIECE OF WORK". Given the comments in this tape, I now have a better idea what they meant by their opinion.
"This Ignatieff angle is laughable. The guy didn't want the coalition, it wasn't bankers you stupid, silly morons."
There was intense pressure from Bay Street to kill the coalition from the get go.
John McCallum--one of Ignatieff's earliest leadership supporters and a former bank VP himself--repeatedly made assuaging the concerns CEOs in general and bankers in particular the centrepiece of his public comments on the coalition. McCallum even went so far as to claim on national television that the NDP would receive no economic portfolios under the coalition agreement. This was revealed as a lie once the coalition agreement was released--it was only the finance ministry that was reserved for a Liberal--but this shows where the Liberals' concerns truly were at the time.
Now McCallum is sent out to answer questions about whether Ignatieff was bullied into supporting the Conservatives by CEOs and bankers?
Talk about unconvincing.
I agree with you that Ignatieff was against the coalition from very early on, but that had a lot to do with bankers and CEOs from very early on as well.
Ummm, Ignatieff made the decision against the coalition/election option on political grounds. Duh...
But there were more things that crossed his mind than what the banks think.
Not really the issue here. If all the rumours politicians gossiped about behind the scenes were true... well it would be a strange world we lived in.
Why even bother giving credence to this silly banker theory.
If it were true Harper would have run with that from the get go. He's desperately looking for a way to attack Ignatieff - you don't think this would be a good way to do that?
Raitt would be telling more people than her driver if she actually had any evidence.
"If it were true Harper would have run with that from the get go."
Because (a) it's not very practical to attack another party's reasons for supporting you and (b) it would required admitting that the Conservatives' government was being propped up at the will of the bankers (who aren't very popular these days).
The CPC have been attacking the LPC for supporting them ever since the LPC started supporting them.
I followed the buildup and media hypa and this is all I got? "Sexy". Christ. She said nothing different than any newspaper reporter/editor when they heard the story.
You guys keep huffing and puffing. It's comical. What's really sad is that this is the nonsense the media thinks deserves full newsroom coverage, and they wonder why their readership is dropping like a skydiver without a parachute.
Actually, your reaction is the JOKE. Get a clue.
I was about to start this post stating that cancer is the #2 killer and climbing, but is actually #1 now in some parts of the world. Mark, I envy you if cancer has not affected anyone in your circle. It's definitely affected mine, and there is nothing "sexy" about it. If newspaper editors attach this as an adjective to cancer, then they are heartless, opportunistic, sociopaths as well.
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