Harper has, as far as I've seen, failed to met with one ordinary, non-partisan Canadian on this campaign, and we are a week in. Have we seen any shots of him shaking hands, interacting with PEOPLE? I would appear that Harper is afraid of the citizens he claims to lead, who he's "here for". A bit of farce isn't it, particularly with man who used to lead as supposedly populist movement, now he operates like a despot. I have pointed to this fact before, last election Harper REFUSED to appear on CBC if had to answer ONE RECORDED question from a voter.
The Prime Minister also seems to fear the press, provoking confrontations we haven't seen in recent memory. Journalist questions are the only opportunity to challenge party spin, the inability of the Harper campaign to adhere to this most basic form of accountability is actually quite worrisome. Harper has been limited and manipulating the press for years, nice to see these issues finally getting some traction. Politicians hate the media, but particularly in a campaign, their participation is a democratic essential, flawed but fundamental. Why does Harper fear having to answer questions, why doesn't he seem to have the courage of his convictions?
Harper likes to talk tough, macho language, challenging and aggressive. Trouble is, when called on bravado he suddenly looks afraid. It is normal for the "favorite" to try and limit debates, quite another though when said front runner was the one who suggested the idea, even PROVIDED sound rationale as persuasion. We now have the spectacle of empty words Harper contradicting himself, apparently so fearful of Ignatieff that he willingly embraces hypocrisy.
A quick recap, afraid of voters, afraid of questions, afraid of his opponent. Yes, it would appear "Fear For Canada" is Harper's chief contribution. Factor in, an already articulated campaign which has offered nothing but dire predictions, pending economic and social doom, near apocalyptic post election scenarios, and really it's all fear, all the time. No vision, just fear, no accountability, just fear. Actually, the more you think about it WE should fear for Canada.
From the archives, speaking of tough guys, here is a one two combination for when Don Cherry shows up for right wings rants in your riding
"When COLD-fX maker CV Technologies visited Parliament Hill with their spokesman, hockey commentator Don Cherry, it was “a mistake” for Harper to accept gifts, including a signed Mark Messier hockey jersey and a case of the cold remedy, MacDermid noted."
Shan and Cherry later met directly with Harper in his Parliament Hill office. The company hired Cherry in 2004, specifically to promote sales of the product. They were invited to the capital by James Rajotte, chairman of the Commons industry committee and Tory MP for the corporate president's Edmonton-Leduc riding.
Last week, the company received a critical regulatory ruling - worth untold millions - from Health Canada, allowing it to claim in advertising that COLD-fx reduces "the frequency, severity and duration of cold and flu symptoms by boosting the immune system."
What the puck Don ? How much did you earn then, how much you got to pay back now ?
Accountability is for Anyone But Conservatives.
It's always "bring it on" with these Cons types, but when you do, they turtle.
Considering all that has happened this week maybe the slogan should be:
"Fear of Canada"
That works too!
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