Rae has all the attributes necessary to carry the Liberal banner during this transition. Most importantly, assuming he is chosen, the Liberals will have a compelling, articulate and most of all RESPECTED politican taking the reigns, ensuring a measure of attention and fascination. As I've mentioned in a previous post arguing for Rae to forgo the permanent role, he commands unique stature in Parliament, the only man I've seen who can quiet the cat calls, because all wish to hear his thoughtful words.
Rae's decision must not have been easy, but it represents the kind of personal sacrifice for greater good mentality that MUST dominate Liberal thinking moving forward. I suspect Mr. Rae has sensed the vibe within the Liberal ranks for new blood, a generational change, but it still must have been a tough choice, given he is clearly of Prime Ministerial material. I applaud Mr. Rae, and actually have more respect for him, given this decision.
Bob Rae is also a democrat, which bodes well moving forward on the party renewal front. I think Rae will make an excellent steward guiding us through these times, rather than simply waiting for a leader, we can all have confidence in him laying a strong foundation prior to this selection.
I'm very excited about Rae's decision, I think it represents the best possible direction under the circumstances. Rae brings exposure, he can deliver a great soundbite, charming, engaging, knowledgeable, even captivating, this is exactly what we need to keep up appearances while we select a new leader and eventual direction.
I am very happy to hear this... We are much better ALREADY.... thanks Bob great man.
Yes. One less thing to fight about and one less old man trying to become party leader. If chosen he will be a great interm leader.
A more appropriate headline for your post would be "Bob Rae Will Not Run For Liberal Leadership" - the fact that he WILL seek the interim leadership is secondary.
And, who knows -- if Canadians like him and the Liberals have confidence in him, the rules can always be changed.
Rae's letter to caucus, which is interesting in that he favours waiting 18-24 months to find a permanent leader:
Rae's letter to caucus, which is interesting in that he favours waiting 18-24 months to find a permanent leader:
The timeframe is what the national board is pushing. Overall, the letter is graceful.
An interesting take on the situation from Sharon Carstairs.
I favour a good 18 months to a leadership convention. Having the new leader come out of the rejuvenation process is preferable to picking a new leader then hoping he will continue with changes that may well conflict with still entrenched interests he'll have to rely on during a campaign.
Let the interim leader do the "bad cop" routine and the permanent leader can move forward as the result of a rejuvenated Liberal Party. Instead of having to focus his/her energies inward he/she can take that message outward to Canadians.
Not that I'm going to be dogmatic about 18 months vs. 12 vs. 24...
I favour a year, but if it is the fall of 2012, I'm okay as well, particularly if we have someone of Rae's stature at the helm.
There is some discussion about the rules changing, hope not.
I'm pretty impressed. Bob Rae has shelved his personal ambitions for the betterment of the Liberal Party. Could you imagine Harper or Layton making that sort of sacrifice?
@ Leftdog - spoken like a true Jacobin
Lots of speculation on da twitter that Rae has still left door open. Not sure I see it with this letter, but this issue may need further clarification.
Rae on Power and Politics at 5pm, should be a good interview.
I get the feeling that Rae is two steps ahead. He knows that he does not have a reasonable chance at becoming the permanent leader. He won't have the financial and human backing to run an effective leadership campaign. I think that he also knows that if he becomes the interim leader, he will have another job waiting for him in one or two years. I would not be surprised if Harper appoints Rae to an international position.
I agree in part, but I'm not sure he would ever accept a post from Harper.
There is some discussion about the rules changing, hope not.
It looks as though Rae's not going for the job permanently. Rae has more class than Apps in this situation.
I guess it comes down to whether or not the national exec want to give him the job.
No one should be fenced in ...or out.. let's see how things go in two years..
No offence, but that is SO not on with me, and from what I've heard from others as well. Rae is either interim that's it, or no thanks.
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