A microphone picked up an unaware US President George W. Bush saying that Syria should press Hezbollah to "stop doing this shit" and that his secretary of state may go to the Middle East soon...
Bush replied: "See, the irony is what they need to do is get Syria to get Hezbollah to stop doing this shit and it's over."
Just "stop doing this shit" and the world can enter into a new era of relative calm. The world is in good hands people.

c'mon, admit it, you (a) had to laugh and (b) at least partly agree, no?
It's comments like that, that show Bush might have a brain after all. It's just not allowed into daylight, cause it breaks the illusion that he's a doofus with no plans of his own, or thoughts on foreign policy.
Eloquent? No.
Right? Quite possibly.
I think that candace is on to something. It was (a) funny/stupid and (b) one has to at least partly agree with the remark.
I always wondered if Bush was a bit like Chrétien. Both lower expectations with their lack of inarticulate and eloquent speech. That 'I'm just a guy from Shawinigan Falls' / 'I'm just a reguarl Joe from Texas' attitude. Both men are more intelligent than they lead on. Or at least Bob Woodward thinks that way of Bush.
It is funny in a way. Who else would motion Blair over with a "Yo, Blair".
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