It is important for Canada to have a Green party member of Parliament?
Agree 58%
Disagree 30%
Relatively impressive potential with voters:
In the next federal election, would you consider voting for the Green candidate in your riding?
Definitely / Probably consider 25%
Definitely / Probably not 60%
The fact a quarter of the population would consider voting Green is quite a coup, considering the "fringe" factor, with no real representation. Findings such as the above should give May more ammunition in her battle to be included in the debates.

Martin Lawrence of the Globe had one of those online chats with people at their website... and he plainly stated if May was allowed in the leaders debates, the Greens would win "a handful" of seats. That's quite a statement from a political columnist.
May's highly intelligent and she has that regular folk demeanor which would be a breath of fresh air is she is given the platform.
Isn't it odd that the percentage of dissenters in any poll on anything progressive, is always the base number of con supporters?
Of course it's not. Harp seals keep some polls honest I guess.
Scott and Steve, I agree. If she could get in there, they'd get at least a seat. I also think it would be good for Dion. I know the media is claiming their deal is a loser for him...if she's there, she'll make clear that Harper has to go and Dion is right choice.
"Isn't it odd that the percentage of dissenters in any poll on anything progressive, is always the base number of con supporters?"
They are a monolith aren't they?
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