Conservative candidates who may have received inflated rebates before Elections Canada discovered the “in-and-out” scheme should be required to put the money in a trust fund until the Federal Court rules if they are entitled to it, Liberal Justice Critic Dominic LeBlanc said today.
“I am calling on Prime Minister Stephen Harper to ensure that all of his candidates who received potentially inflated rebates due to the “in-and-out” scheme put these funds in a trust fund pending the Federal Court’s review,” said Mr. LeBlanc. “No candidate should have a political advantage by being able to spend funds they received as a result of a scheme which Elections Canada says may not comply with the Elections Act.”
“I’m sure Canadian voters would be concerned if the Conservatives permitted these candidates, who we now learn include three members of cabinet, from using these funds, while the Federal Court is reviewing Elections Canada’s ruling that the Conservatives had no right to claim this money,” he said.
The Liberals were also kind enough to provide a detailed list of the MP's in question:
Member of Parliament
Additional rebate received due to apparent “in-and-out” transaction
Hon. Lawrence Cannon
Hon. Jay Hill
Hon. Josée Verner
David Anderson
Maxime Bernier
Steven Blaney
Patricia Davidson
Jacques Gourde
Luc Harvey
Colin Mayes
Daniel Petit
$111, 086
Surely, Conservatives can see the merits of this idea, until Elections Canada is rightfully exposed as the biased, unfair entity we all know it to be.

Dont forget many of the other 50 candidates and their associations that fully received 60% of the suspicious bills (which were on average 30k so...18k each!)before the freeze was placed by Elections Canada! This money is in use right now for the next batch of Conservatives campaigning!
Yes, most of the money for the in and out was in ridings where Cons were never elected or competitive.
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