I'm on the floor at the Liberal Convention. This blogger accreditation is a great gig, a few of us are up on the risers with the media. A note on proper etiquette, in case you are wondering. If there is no one around, but a nondescript bag is placed on a table, that means it's reserved for a reporter from Le Devoir. Should you sit in said seat, expect nasty glares. A later apology and it's all good :)
Alf Apps is speaking, as the precursor to Michael's speech. Quite looking forward to Ignatieff, the room is packed and enthusiastic. Love-in 2009 reaches crescendo...
Here comes the big fella!!! Man this place is jacked.
I'm going to soak this in (really I can't multi-task), but fellow Libloggers
Impolitical and
Jeff Jedras are doing an excellent job detailing the proceedings.
Hey Steve!
Great getting to spend time with you in the blogging cube this weekend! I wish we could get to do things like that more often.
What was your highlight of the convention? I think mine was really just getting the chance to put a face too all the online friends I've made over the years.
Ignatieff's speech is definitely a close second though!
It was really nice to meet everyone. It was also neat to see the work you put in to get those videos online.
I guess mine was a chance to finally meet Kennedy in person. Oh, and to watch everyone fawn over Justin ;)
Til next time...
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