Oh, it was just a Christmas party, don't poo poo... Trouble is, it's never that simple with the PMO and last night amounts to a staged photo op, hoping the media would report and Harper would benefit. Period, anything else requires one to suffer from amnesia or denote no understanding of present realities in Harper's Ottawa. Nothing is spontaneous, nothing "just" happens, nothing is benign, everything has an angle.
With learned reality in mind, a couple observations. Harper sucks, he sucks real bad. I listened to some of the tape, and it was god awful, the worst wedding band imaginable, a cruel joke that assaulted your unsuspecting ears. This wasn't a hidden talent on display, this was something no one should have to endure. I may never be able to listen to The Who again, but that's another story...
First time, we revel in the surprise. When you go to the well again, with the sole purpose of improving your image, well then we should treat you like we would any other musical offering. Man, that's some kind of special bad....
jealousy is such a disgusting trait.
This wasn't a hidden talent on display...........
Of course it wasn't. And neither is a children's Christmas concert. Then again, it is never supposed to be.
You DO realize that you are giving serious, critical oversight to a celebratory moment that was never intended to be taken seriously? You get that, right?
Maybe he does suck, but this was celebratory moment, far and away from the "realities" in Ottawa, cynical or not. Take a pill already.
Harper is evil which is worse than jealousy. Plus he's a murderer sending innocent citizens into a fake war over poppy seeds.
This was all planned to hide HarperCon away during the G20 Caught in the Act slamming report.
Harper is the top man in the G20 operation and why is Bill Blair taking the heat for him?
Make a complaint online here:
This was all planned to hide HarperCon away during the G20 Caught in the Act slamming report.
You DO realize, of course, that that report was based upon a certain Liberal premier triggering sweeping extraordinary police powers based upon an obscure law, for which he admitted responsibility yesterday, right? No, of course you don't. You wouldn't want facts to get in the way of your little "Harper is evil" "Harper the murderer" hate fest you've got going on.
Oh, I see the Cons have linked, so here comes the tin ear, true believers. Like I said, enjoyed it the first time, but this staged affair allows for more than simply fawning. If I thought for a second this was contrived, I wouldn't bother. It was... Now move along little Harpie minions, and remember to always sing in tune, you one note drones.
To be honest Steve and to use a conbot phrasing, they are coming off in this comment thread as bunch of rightist crybabies.
Suck it up Glenn. Grow a skin. Big Daddy Sucks!
Its fun to try the conbot techniques once and a while.
And as someone who plays an instrument, I assure that jealousy isn't a concern ;)
I guess, if you knew how to add a link correctly Glenn.
But then again, its not me that needs to grow a thick skin and suck it up.
Crybaby Glenn
Opps :)
Oh Glenn's link disappeared.... Bet he's crying to his mommy right now. But it isnt fair.
It's funny how guys like Glenn try to sling a bit of mud when they get caught in the shit. Pretty ineffective way to distract but hey, he's desperate.
Harper has no clue what the meaning of the songs he tries to play is... The political angst behind those lyrics. He sings liberal ideas (Lennon, the Guess Who, etc.) without a clue. Darned right he's "grandstanding"... This time its a darker sweater - maybe a sign of the darker Harper who will run in the election we'll have in about 12-15 weeks...
I don't know if he is good or he is bad. I just know it takes a pretty big ego to think your wedding music is going to entertain others. I always hated going to parties where the host insisted on entertaining us with his guitar. Of course, if the host were my boss I might think differently...
I admit, it was cute and personable to see the PM playing piano. The man can play. He can't sing. I felt like I was listening to karaoke.
It was not as pathetic as when Paul Martin, one of my favourite PMs, strummed a guitar on the campaign trail in a desperate attempt to court musicians or show his "personality" or whatever.
That being said, I personally find George W. Bush to be a hilarious guy. I love watching him on TV interviews because you're going to get some nugget of hilarity and your day will be made. And you know what, I'm one of those guys who would like to have Thanksgiving dinner with ol' Dubya. But do I want him running my country? Do I think that because he's a kooky guy he should be in charge of stuff? Naw. Same goes for Harper.
Would I go out and play Rock Band with him? Sure. It might be a blast. Does having great Rock Band skills make a good Prime Minister? Let me rephrase, does having great Rock Band skills make all of his lies and manipulations and flip-flops and arrogance and contempt for democracy and two-faced policies fade away? No it doesn't.
What is obvious is how partisan our Media has become. They chase all over the country after the Allianc Reformers like a dog chasing a bad piece of meat which in my opinion he is( a bad piece of meat smelling to high heaven) and avoid the other parties like they were lepers.
That in itself tells us exactly what our media has become who at one time were watch dogs for the people have become. Obviously with their hands in the Reformers pockets
An election in 12-15 weeks??? I say we'll get one in 2012. The polls are not moving enough for Harper to feel safe about calling an election. On the other side the I don't see the Libs forcing one in the mid to high 20's in the polls.
please please let the CONs buy the latest polling numbers. I dare so want to see them shill their bubble-boys and girls around an addled soundtrack of wonky karaoke... while the page editors and publishers all seem to be singing the praise of the off-key emperor, more and more real canadians are open to aping his talents. That he thinks this kind of fluff will connect while averse to talking, debating and discussing real issues with real people is enough to tell me all i need to know.
Pretense to superior importance and his over bearing self-worth will be Harper's Waterloo...remember pride go before the fall...and Harper is going down and soon
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