As a regular viewer would know, Flanagan has undergone a bit of a transformation in recent weeks and months. The deadpan delivery waning, Flanagan was loosening up before our eyes, using humour on a regular basis. Prior to THE incident, Flanagan had dressed up like Sasquatch, brought props, made horribly inappropriate sexist jokes, he was Tommy Flanagan now. Rather than offer serious analysis, Flanagan was searching for the zippy one liner. It was this "new" Flanagan which lead to the horrible judgement that caused a international uproar.
I watched the show. My initial reaction was an obvious attempt at humour, that failed badly. I think the important thing here, to separate the partisan, the philosophy of the man, from the poor judgement in this instance. If I thought Flanagan was serious, I'd throw him to the wolves, but he just looks the awkward conservative playing it up, trying to be funny. I understand the seriousness, so some sanction is probably in order, but I'd say Flanagan has already learned his lesson. I suspect if Flanagan was more palatable politically, some of the reaction would be muted, but that's just a hunch.
Again, I understand why people are upset, so this isn't an attempt to minimize necessarily. My point of view merely thinks we don't require a pound of flesh, when Flanagan clearly saw no real world application to his clumsy ham routine on CBC. Flanagan has apologized, so I'll defer to intent, rather than the maelstorm that followed.
Two cents.
I have to say I kind of feel sorry for him about this situation as well. I don't agree with him much on political matters, but he is far and above most of his western-populist cohorts. He always calls a spade a spade, and clearly does not follow the talking points from the PMO.
He has already gone on record as saying the CBC is not biased or anti-right, and that the Conservatives were bungling during last winter's prorogation (in offering a different reason for it each week). Plus I've heard the phrase 'I don't know why he won't take the advice' from him about Harper enough times; which is an admission that the PM is pretty much as described in the book 'Harperland'. You won't hear that sort of stuff from Dmitri or Kory.
That said I've noted too that he's been relying on props and one-liners more each time he's on CBC. I don't like that Tom Flanagan much; I prefer the serious, no-bull Tom Flanagan.
I wasn't certain if he was really serious upon hearing the assassination comment; but given that uncertainty I'm willing to except it was part of his recent shtick. Provided he goes back to the serious Flanagan routine that is, and stops trying to do comedy. He's not very good at it.
The old Flanagan I disagreed with regularly, but I respected him. You kind of loose the respect when you show up in the studio holding a giant bottle of beer.
"That said I've noted too that he's been relying on props and one-liners more each time he's on CBC. I don't like that Tom Flanagan much; I prefer the serious, no-bull Tom Flanagan."
Everyone made a big fuss when he started loosening up, and now I think he's just trying to outdo himself. Mission accomplished Mr. Inappropriate Commentary!
Try commenting, even jokingly, that Stephan Harper should be assassinated while you're an commentator at the CBC and see if you keep your job. Bet you'll be gone in less than 24 hours.
When Flanagan said g20 protesters got exactly what they deserved, he wasn't joking at all. I tweeted to Solomon and Capstick (Ian was on same panel that day) and said Flanagan should be pulled. Some humour isn't funny. Racial humour, for example.
If someone makes a joke about bombing in an airport, they find themselves locked up. So far, Flanagan seems to be teflon, though. CBC had him back twice since the assassination call - once to express regret (although he still said Assange needs to be "stopped") and once in an unrelated punditry appearance. He's paid $500 per appearance from the public purse.
He's a smart guy. He should know better. He does know better.
I don't feel sorry for him. Serious calls for Assange's murder have been made by others of Flanagan's ilk. Palin and Huckabee. Extrajudicial execution is a self-admitted tool used by Israel (using Canadian passports, btw). Does anyone really doubt that the US CIA kills political enemies?
When Flanagan joined the right wing chorus calling for Assange's assassination, he stepped way ove the line of a bad joke. I say he should be off the CBC, at the very least.
I do not feel sorry for him per say. I just think it is ludacris that his comments are being probed by the police.
"When Flanagan said g20 protesters got exactly what they deserved, he wasn't joking at all."
Not in the slightest.
You know what Harper's army would be doing if it was a Liberal who said '(some rightwing activist) should be assassinated', don't you?
As much as I agree that it was a poor attempt at humour, we're stuck playing dodgeball, so when you get the ball you've gotta chuck it.
I do not feel sorry for the stupidity of this man. His excuse of being manly is a joke a comedian should run on. Rick Mercer comes to mind. I do not nor have I ever had any respect for him here now or when he was Harpers mentor. It is high time he retired, go live in a seniors complex and entertain the in the residents there.The man who stated, it doesn't matter if its not the truth. It just has to sound plausible. Sorry Steve and Tof KW, I do not agree with the both of you.Maybe its just a woman thing but for a supposedly educator, he is actually pretty spaced out and sounding like an idiot. Looks the part as well.
Agreed Kirk, JimBobby rockfish.There would and should be a police investigation sure as hell.
The3 saga continues. Flanagan is looking less worthy of sympathy, IMO.
Tom Flanagan threatened me over WikiLeaks comment, Toronto woman says
While I understand where you are coming from Steve V in this, I cannot agree. Worse, I cannot even agree in your analysis about it being poorly presented black humour in this case either. I honestly believe that what Flanagan said was not him joking but his honest belief in this case, I felt that from the first time I saw the comment in question and I feel the same now. As others have noted, it is far from the first call from those on his end of the NA political spectrum who have significant roles in that movement, it is not like this was some wacko utter of no serious credibility within their movement either.
Flanagan not only deserves everything he has had already, he deserves worse than he has gotten, removed from eligibility from CBC commenting for a significant time at the minimum, and while I don't don't go as far as to call for a criminal investigation for uttering a death threat I understand that sentiment. Flanagan knows the rules of the modern political game, he is after all one of the primary creators of this game especially in this country and the Harper playbook (regardless of his not being so enamoured now of the results he still was a prime architect of the political horror show we have to live with and the massive damages done to our political discourse and infrastructure by his importation of Straussian political theory and tactics).
I reserve my sympathy for people that make honest mistakes in good faith, and this simply does not come off as such for me. It is not like he was a newbie on media presentation and commenting after all, and I simply cannot accept the premise that trying to "loosen up" with questionable humour can be used as a defence/excuse for suggesting a political assassination, which is exactly what he did.
I've been staying quiet lately because of my health issues, but this is simply too much for me to continue to completely ignore.
Appreciate other perspectives, but this revelation of the "email" is just ridiculous IMHO. I honestly can't believe the G and M even published such tripe.
I separate my opinion of his persuasion from the fact at hand. He said it as a joke, I clearly took it as such, no doubt in my mind. Others are free to see it how they wish, but I hate the argument if "the roles were reversed". I like to think we on this side are a little more evolved than that bunch and their endless vitrol.
Steve V said...
I separate my opinion of his persuasion from the fact at hand. He said it as a joke, I clearly took it as such, no doubt in my mind.
Scott Reid agrees with you, and has defended Flanagan as well.
Others are free to see it how they wish, but I hate the argument if "the roles were reversed". I like to think we on this side are a little more evolved than that bunch and their endless vitriol.
Sadly, it looks like you're wrong about that, given the behavior just now of some of your regular posters...
Thank you for complimenting me for showing a capacity you've never once displayed yourself :)
Steve V said...
Thank you for complimenting me for showing a capacity you've never once displayed yourself :)
Around here, I am rarely given the chance. Your resident attack trolls are on me too quickly...:)
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