It seems Canadians can't get no satisfaction when it comes to the Harper government.
A new poll suggests satisfaction with the performance of the Conservatives plunged 13 percentage points from December to May.
The Canadian Press Harris-Decima survey indicates satisfaction fell to 40 per cent from 53 per cent - with majority dissatisfaction in every region of the country except Alberta.
The Mood of Canada poll also found that just 27 per cent of respondents said the Tories were doing a good job in regard to government integrity.
And 65 per cent said the government was doing a bad job on accountability.
The online poll of 3,565 Canadians was conducted May 14-23.
Only 27% think the Conservatives have "integrity", which suggests the drip, drip, drip of constant problems has had a cumulative impact. Also striking, the opinion of people on "accountability", the supposed signature rallying cry for the Conservatives.
Generally, satisfaction measures run higher than actual party support, the fact the gap has lessened so much, in such a short time, is very telling. Does anyone doubt the numbers would be worse still, had the poll been conducted this week?

Oh, it's a long, long time,
From December to May,
But time just ran out,
For Maxime Bernier.
Support trickles down,
To a precious few,
Less than thirty percent,
Still have faith in you.
(That "plunged 13 percentage points from December to May" line got this dang song playin'in my head.)
Nice one JimBobby...
Only 27% think the Conservatives have "integrity"
And given that the Cons usually score in the mid-thirties (or more) in voter intention, that means at least, say, 8% of Canadians think the Cons don't have integrity, but will vote for them anyway.
I shouldn't, but I find that rather amusing.
Some of those people probably don't think that ANY party has intergrity and they feel they are voting for the least of all evils.
" 8% of Canadians think the Cons don't have integrity, but will vote for them anyway."
Jeff, clearly a very inspired electorate out there, completely captivated by our high signal political system.
Dion has integrity ;)
I'll wait for more polls to hold this one up, but I have to say that it's heartening that Cdn's seem to be paying attention.
Jeff: 8% of Canadians think the Cons don't have integrity, but will vote for them anyway.
Of course they will. Emulating their dear leader is what they do.
Well Dion Quixote might have integrity but it really doesnt matter if you dont show up to vote in the house (neither do his cohorts as far as that goes)and permit those transparency challenged to stay in power! At least Jack is growing in popularity, he surpassed SD today in Qc polls! Going to be an interesting election...Great work love your blog keep up the good info.
I will back up what Alex said.
How does this poll square the CROP poll, although this was taken before Bernier left his briefs at his old flame's house?
The CROP poll is consistent in this regard:
"The survey also found the level of dissatisfaction with the federal government had climbed in the past three months to 48 percent from 40 percent."
The Canadian Press Harris-Decima survey indicates satisfaction fell to 40 per cent from 53 per cent - with majority dissatisfaction in every region of the country except Alberta.
Hmm except Alberta eh? Fancy that.
Shocking isn't it?
8% of Canadians think the Cons don't have integrity, but will vote for them anyway.
There's a place a Toronto Liberal supporter shouldn't go. Who would they have to scam in many ridings to lose the vote?
"Who would they have to scam in many ridings to lose the vote?"
Interesting, is this how you "use your own brain" to decipher reality? Sounds like someone has a old grudge, that clouds all his thoughts.
Sounds like someone has a old grudge, that clouds all his thoughts.
My grudge is against government corruption. I never voted for the PC's again, after the Mulroney government. I voted for Chretien 1 and 2, then realized that the new fish stank as much as the old fish.
I suspect you may be too young to remember the history, but Chretien was supposed to be the antiseptic for corruption.
"I suspect you may be too young to remember the history,"
Wrong again.
Steve...don't you love it when they think you are too youngto remember?
They perhaps are too old to 'let it go', forget and move on?
The declining approval rating cannot be good news for Harper, though I am always skeptical to judge one poll. That being said the more screw-ups they make the harder it will be on them in the next election unless off course the Liberals make a major blunder during the campaign, but I wouldn't count on that happening.
Steve...don't you love it when they think you are too youngto remember?
They perhaps are too old to 'let it go', forget and move on?
Funny, when my old foe Mulroney is the Libs favourite whipping boy these days. Would you like to forget that, and move on? I still can't stand him.
Wrong again.
Then maybe you can explain why only we lonely centre-righters punished the LPC during the last election.
mobius: Then maybe you can explain why only we lonely centre-righters punished the LPC during the last election.
You joined the mood of the day. No math involed, no deep analysis.
The tragedy is that you didnt think. That's the bottom line.
You, if you ever were a PC, have become an anomaly.
You joined the mood of the day. No math involed, no deep analysis.
Interesting view into the mind of the current Liberal voter.
I'm pretty happy with my decision.
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