"Stephane Dion attracts more than 800 supporters to Montreal fundraiser"
Sounds like about $400000 raised:
Dion delivered a speech to more than 800 Liberal supporters who attended a $500-a-plate dinner at a downtown hotel.
The fundraiser's turnout brought a welcome influx to party coffers, which Liberals have struggled to fill in recent months.
Flexing some muscle, where it's needed. That's probably the best story to come out of Quebec for the Liberals in a couple of years.

Very impressive.
Way more than I raised for him last week I'd say.
To be exact:
"There are 825 people who took out their cheque books and who wrote cheques for $500," Fox said before Dion's speech."
So that's $412,500 then?
That's almost half of what was raised in the last quarter done in a single event.
You think the party is getting better at raising funds?
Damn impressive.
Better news for Dion.
The Adequistes are destroyed in the Quebec by-election. Running fourth and fifth behind the Greens and Quebec Solidaire.
What is the possibility that Harper will run fifth in Quebec behind Lizzie May and Jack Layton?
there is a lot of wrong in that article. I wonder if that was intended or not.
antonio you were not at last night's event
This is good for the Party, the Party in Quebec, our Leader Stephane Dion, and for the morale and motivation of the troops - and likely caucus too.
Very welcome and pleasing news.
Wow and in a province where Dion is not liked? I guess they like him now!
The same thing should be happening all over Canada if the party is getting ready for a fall election.
who said I was at the event. They offered me a place tho. All I had to do was agree to place the chairs and stuff, like they do to the YLC(Q) every leaders dinner.
Not everybody paid 500$, over 100 tickets were sold at 100$ to fill up the room. 10% of the 800 was also volunteers. The estimate reported to me was 200 000$, to be distributed to ridings.
Before Mr. Dion took over, this dinner was held to benefit the PLC(Q)
"Not everybody paid 500$, over 100 tickets were sold at 100$ to fill up the room. 10% of the 800 was also volunteers. The estimate reported to me was 200 000$, to be distributed to ridings."
Even by your math, they raised alot more than 200 000. Did the national party get a chunk too?
once again Antonio the separatist is trying to say bad things about Quebec Liberals.
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