Not sure if the Liberals want to abstain again, I mean it's been done before, nobody wants to be predictable. If the Liberals vote with the government, well the optics of that are ugly. It is winter, so a nasty flu, that renders most of caucus immobile does have a certain credible appeal. I vote for the last option, now for the application.
Tomorrow in question period, Dion should get up to ask his first question, then in mid-sentence throw in a husky sneeze, enough to get attention, nothing to overt. At the same time, make sure that a couple Liberal MP's sitting behind Dion, within camera frame, are holding a hanky, maybe a packet of Neo Citran clearly visible on their desk. After Dion is done with his questions, then Ignatieff rises, but much to everyone's surprise his voice is raspy, denoting weakness. What everyone doesn't know, the night prior Liberal strategists gave Iggy two packs of filterless Pall Malls and a mickey of Southern Comfort. Terrific theater.
Lay the foundation, then the next day have someone in the Leader of the Opposition's office (no not Layton) release a press release saying Dion is spewing fluid from every orifice, many in the caucus are falling ill. When the votes come, the Liberal benches are empty, except for Goodale and a few others, who later brag to the press scrum about the importance of regular flu shots. Perfect, the Liberals were prepared to vote against this "mile wide, inch deep" budget, but they were stifled by forces outside of their control. If Layton or Duceppe calls the Liberals "weak" they look harsh, Canadians understand aches and chills. I smell a winner people.
The empty chair scenario may work. Caucus attendance in the House for the Grits aren't that good either.
Maybe you can have someone rig the food at the cafeteria in Parliament. Then everyone can get sick, including the Bloc, Cons, and the Dippers. The budget may past with no one noticing, just as in 2006 when the Grits were involved and preoccupied in (what was that, again????) the leadership campaign.
I love this kind of brain storming, that's what we Liberals do best.
The empty chair scenario may work
I vote for a potted plant in Dion's place. I bet a week's wages no one notices for a month.
Can we get one that requires infrequent watering, nobody likes a high maintenance leader?
I don't like the idea of the Liberals sitting this one out, and my initial impulse is for an election. I'm having trouble though, given the "prudent" nature of the budget, what the campaign would have looked like. What would the issue have been?
Joe Clark must really wish that the Liberals had been like this back in '79.
I'm all for the plan of rigging the food, anyone have some e.coli handy?
"I'm all for the plan of rigging the food, anyone have some e.coli handy?"
The downside is that Harper may go on to a hawkish warpath. House of Commons attacked by the largest bioterrorist plague in Canadian history. Somebody had attacked the country's centre of democracy with weapons of a8& destruction.
Dion's finished. Don't expect a bump from the by-elections, they could lose 2 out of the 4. What a mess.
Which two?
I don't know what the effect of a loss at Desnethe will be. Grits won it the last time based on Kelowna and it was by 67 votes. Now with Orchard's people sitting on their hands, anything can happen.
The Manitoba one is a problem, but Gloria Galloway thinks Van Quadra is also a problem. Although, I read last week where it was a safe seat?
Anyway, maybe this gang can restore my faith again, but its going to take some time.
Duffy thinks that the arrival of Rae, could precipitate a Day-like mutiny. Yet, Duffy loves to stir the pot.
There's still opposition days, Steve. I think there is one the day after the budget vote.
Maybe the Libs/Dippers and Bloc are going to gang up and bring down the govt on Pablo's Kyoto motion!! The time and issue they want.
BTW, did the CBC have a hand in Pablo's motion too?
"There's still opposition days, Steve. I think there is one the day after the budget vote."
Seriously, the only time we will get an election in the near future is when Harper calls a vote of confidence and he tells the backbench to stay away from the House. Engineering his own defeat in an attempt to win a majority. No way with Harper give the Grits easy ammunition even with all these abstentions.
I think you mean orifice not "orfus".
Anyway, the Liberals are reserving the opportunity to put forward an amendment for a vote.
In that case, the Cons could declare it a matter of confidence and force the Liberals into abstaining from their own amendment!
"In that case, the Cons could declare it a matter of confidence and force the Liberals into abstaining from their own amendment!"
I know that would be just horrible, but you have to admit it would be funny as hell.
You give Harper an inch. And he will take it over and over again until he has a mile.
Dion, knows this about Harper already and is an absolute complete idiot for letting Harper do this to him.
Hmm, Perhaps Dion is a big Harper Fan.
Whatever it doesn't matter, Dion needs to be replaced!!
how do you waste any effort supporting dion and the cast of idiots.
The environment has all 3 opps in agreement. How could the Bloc or Dippers vote against a non-confidence motion re" the environment, on Libs opposition day?
Removing barley from the CWB was in the throne speech, thusly will be a vote of confidence too.
Until Libs have a full slate (Rae , Martha etc) AND have had a policy convention, why would you want an election?
Will PMSHs 'watered down Liberal budget' ruin the country?
Is the Afghan motion, co-authored by Liberals, all wrong for the country?
I think we go after the by elections on Bill C-30.
All of this great comedy aside, I have to ask what do you Libs see in Rae? He is a Dipper socialist ferchristsakes! And his record sucks ass! He only became a Lib when he realized being a Dipper was a lose/lose situation...not that being a Lib these days is much different.
Is it possible that the Liberals would give Dion the boot if two bi-elections are lost? I know this would not be standard practice, but it may be viewed as a clean way to get rid of Dion. My understanding is that Rae is increasingly assuming control of the party (he is, of course, the link to the party's major source of money via John Rae and Power Corp.) My question is, will Iggy take this lying down? I predict that Dion will be gone soon, but what happens next?
Dion will definitely be gone soon. He let his chances slip away. Giving an inch at a time. The Canadian public is not impressed with the Liberals. By not standing up Dion has helped the Conservatives and destroyed the Liberals.
Yes Dion is out. In fact he can't be dumped soon enough. The sooner he is replaced the sooner the local liberals will gather support from their traditionally loyal supports.
The Lib conspiracy against Dion cloak and dagger stuff is becoming a snore. Same old, same old. I mean it was new story a year ago but it's has not appeared true thus far so repeating it over and over is obviously not going to make it so. It's just the same old record..over and over. Droll.
The LPC Braintrust (?) can't just dump Dion, he hasn't lost anything yet.
He is doing a better job deking out the LPC than he is doing deking Harper.
That can't be giving you kids any confidence.
Ezra Levant predicted the next thing Harper could put up is the Wheat Board. I think that may be a good one. All of the western Canadian rural seats are Conservative, meaning Harper has the cred and moral authority to kill it, yet the LPC is pretty much forced to fall on their sword over it. At least you'd think so.
Anyway, if I was Harper and I really, really wanted an election, that would be my next hurdle, dismantling the CWB, or at least the barley monopoly.
"dismantling the CWB, or at least the barley monopoly."
Not sure if you can get the three opposition parties to agree on this. The Bloc may vote for it. Quebeckers want cheap food and having access to the barley market is a big plus for their farmers.
"Until Libs have a full slate (Rae , Martha etc) AND have had a policy convention, why would you want an election?"
This is the general thinking among the high profile candidates and caucus members. Not me. BTW, when have the Grits had a policy conference and the party establishment forced to listen to the grassroots.
"Will PMSHs 'watered down Liberal budget' ruin the country?"
I feel like Goldilocks eating lukewarm porridge. Not too warm, not too cold, just swallowing hard.
"Is the Afghan motion, co-authored by Liberals, all wrong for the country?"
After the vote is passed, maybe we can have the Cons and the Grits singing O Canada or join in when Harper leads a rendition of Maple Leaf Forever.
There will be many from the left of the party who will not like the motion. They would throw Manley and McKenna under the bus if they have the opportunity to. Such is the way the party is today.
The Rick Mercer Report on this, "Liberals. We're adaptable." is hilarious. Since it aired shortly after Dion's response, it must have been made in advance, which is puzzling. Did Mercer know?
clh said...
The Rick Mercer Report on this, "Liberals. We're adaptable." is hilarious. Since it aired shortly after Dion's response, it must have been made in advance, which is puzzling. Did Mercer know?
You are kidding right? Are you the only person in the country that didn't know the Libs would support the budget?
You are right though, Mercer's piece was comedy gold!
Are you the only person in the country that didn't know the Libs would support the budget?
Yes, could be. I don't follow this things that closely. I didn't have a good idea of what would be in the budget or how the Liberals would react it. I'm not so much of a political junky that I care exactly when an election is and, personally, just hope it is sometime that will take Harper down.
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