"Clearly, I would say to the Leader of the Opposition, who knows that he makes such allegations in this chamber under the protection of parliamentary privilege, and encourage him to have the courage of his convictions," Harper said. "If he believes what he said, he should make these accusations outside the chamber where those whom he is libelling and slandering have recourse to the courts to hold him responsible."
That was then, this is now:
"Mr. Poilievre slipped out a back door and avoided reporters waiting to speak to him."
Calling Poilievre a weasel is a blatant insult to weasels. Try "cowardly sphincter."
Noted :)
The press is heating up on the Cadman tape affair. Zytaruk is threatening to sue and his newspaper is standing by him and asking others newspapers to join them. They have several articles on this today, as does Macleans, the Globe and the Star. The attacks on Zytaruk are seen as attacking the freedom of the press. This might go somewhere.
It's sort of sad in one sense, because the media never gave this story it's due. It's always been about freedom of the press, but I suppose better late than never. If Pierre just shut his mouth, without being so provocative, which is completely unnecessary, it might have just died...
Drop the law suit then continue to maintain the tape was forged? I mean, wtf? Obviously Conservatives have never heard the saying 'let sleeping dogs lie'.
This isn't chess. This isn't even checkers. This is drooling morons attempting to play KerPlunk.
It's quite true that the story never got it's due. This and other scandals, (In and Out anyone?) were treated as nuisance stories, while the press focused on whichever 'highly placed Liberal' of the day was doing his/her best to destroy the party.
Sad indeed.
"In and Out" is not over. I suspect EC are waiting to see the results of the lawsuit before they make a decision about charges.
Last I heard the CPC were trying to stall by refusing to release the documents where they claimed privilege to the Court for a ruling on that issue. EC was forced to apply for them to be released - I am not sure if there has been a hearing and/or a decision on that application yet.
All I keep hearing now, "something just isn't right" about this tape. Hello!
When the Cons lose that one, it will be a double whammy. First, the conduct, and also taxpayers realizing how much money and energy has been wasted because nobody dares challenge the Conservatives.
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