A big nothing, in the grand scheme of things, but a nice jab, given the lengths our PM went to marginalize Ignatieff:
It all started when Liberal officials were faced with the challenge of getting a photo of their leader’s meeting with Ignatieff out to the media despite the fact that the schedule arranged largely by the prime minister’s office relegated the meeting with Ignatieff to late afternoon.
Liberal staffer Michael O’Shaunessy called Marc Methé of CNW Group to arrange for the picture taken by Ignatieff’s official photographer to be distributed to Canadian media. When he asked how much it would cost to distribute it to U.S media, Methé told him that if they added a press release to the picture, they could have the picture posted in Times Square and Las Vegas for no extra cost.
All in all, the PR coup cost the Liberals $1,100 for U.S distribution, $300 for the high definition picture to give them bragging rights and $500 to distribute the photo to Canadian media outlets.
As an aside, much talk about the fact Obama has read "several" of Ignatieff's books. To be fair, while Obama hasn't read anything authored by Harper, the two leaders did discuss books and what they've read recently. Harper mused about the last book he's read.
Here's a photo from the White House website (h/t Knb):

Good play by Liberals on this one, thinking outside the box and by-passing our Canadian media to get the correct message out there, that is great. Maybe this will force our media to keep up with the correct and current news stories.
Seriously. "Good play"?
Harper looks like a statesman - and Ignatieff looks like, well, a tourist. Might as well give him a Times Square cut-out to stand beside.
I supported Ignatieff's leadership - formally endorsed him on my own blog. I had high hopes. This is just embarassing.
Hey, it's good "clean" strategy. Not like the crap that Harper puts out (remember Dion).
What was embarrassing - to see Harper (he's gained weight again) walking along the corrider with Obama with his jacket look too tight and his shirt showing coming out of his pants. Harper, ever heard of suspenders if you have a belly and can't keep your shirt tidy?
roblswEven if Ignatieff were just a regular Canadian, and not leader of the Libs, with his background known all over the world, as he is now, would you still be embarrassed?...and why.
Harper looks like a statesman
Where exactly? Oh the visit went fine and some of it was even written about in the US press, but I didn't see Harper being featured with Obama for 36 hours straight.
It's next to free publicity and good exposure. I can't think of too many politicians turning such a deal down.
If this was a main strategy that a huge amount of money had been spent on, I might agree with you roblaw. As it is, it certainly does no harm.
All publicity....as they say.
I see roblaw is making the rounds claiming that Harper looked "TEH AWSUM!"
Who are you trying to fool rob? Canadians saw Harper all right. Right through him.
If I'm Obama I want the fat oaf and his merry band of embarrassments to remain in office for as long as they possibly can, but Canadians better hope we have a change of government soon.
thx for a great post and how good (Obama and Ignatieff) triumphs over evil (Harper.) How utterly partisan and petty can Harper actually be? Can he still sustain the confidence of Canadians as well as the House as he melts away?
I'm actually prepared to say that Harper has had a couple of good days. This visit looks to be a positive for him, so I'll give Harper that. But, in the words of Don Martin, this is probably the only good news for Harper in the next six months, so enjoy it.
BTW, I don't buy the "had high hopes" for Ignatieff, anyone who's making such conclusive judgements already was probably always a FRAUD to begin with.
Yes, after running to the microphone to tell the world what it was like to look into Obama's eyes, the next step is certainly getting their photo op onto Times Square. And so cheap too!
Very Prime Ministerial.
I thought Iggy was bringing a higher level of decorum to his office. Maybe next time.
"I thought Iggy was bringing a higher level of decorum to his office. Maybe next time."
Well, when faced with the cad you call a leader, you do what you have to :)
For 1100$ (US I would assume) the party could have had thousands of pictures printed and handed out along the Vegas strip by those guys at every street corner who work for the other ladys of the evening.
Tomm - boy you people sure have short memories. I remember Harper coming out after meeting Bush when he was in opposition and he was so impressed with Bush and said with a smirk of admiration (re: Bush) "he sure knows what he wants".
I'd love to see that film clip again.
Harper did okay. But the truth is no one cared because they all enthralled with Obama.
I wonder how the Whitehouse feels about having Obama's picture plastered over Times Square standing beside someone who is NOT Canada's leader? This is a very poor publicity stunt, paid for by the Liberal party (who according to Elections Canada is supposed to be broke) - my opinion of Ignatieff has gone way down after his embarassing performance during and after Obama's visit to Ottawa.
"my opinion of Ignatieff has gone way down after his embarassing performance during and after Obama's visit to Ottawa."
Bruce, does this mean you went from a 99.99998% Conservative backer to a 99.99999% supporter. Wow, we almost had you. Rats, what a loss.
Like roblaw, the BT that enjoys reading KKKate. Yes, Liberals should worry about the opinion of these people. Too funny.
wonder how the Whitehouse feels about having Obama's picture plastered over Times Square standing beside someone who is NOT Canada's leader? Probably laughing their heads off at Harpers attempt at trying to show himself off as a credible leader. I'm sure they have read a lot about the Cons so Bruce, give it up already.
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