"The NDP would be the least likely of the political parties to support the Conservatives in office" Jack Layton Aug 25
"It's like that cough medicine - you know, it tastes bad, but sometime you've gotta take it." Jack Layton Aug 21 on looming election speculation
When the Liberal security blanket is removed:
"We are ready to manage an arrangement (with the Conservatives). It is possible" NDP MP Joe Comartin Sept 2
“The Prime Minister needs to decide if he wants to call an election or call Mr. Layton,” said Brad Lavigne Sept 1
NDP MP Thomas Mulcair agreed with the prime minister, saying "we'd better have a bloody good reason for forcing a fourth general election in five years." Sept 1
I nominate Jack Layton as Deputy Prime Minister in the New Harper Cabinet in charge of spanking John Baird at least once daily, and Pierre Polievre twice daily.
Now that the Liberals are not rolling over maybe the real opposition can actually squeeze some concessions from them...
At least the NDP will get something out of the Tories, other than a sore ass (I heard Iggy didn't sit the whole cacus meeting)...
"It's absolutely necessary that the Conservatives make some very important compromises," said the NDP MP. "If they don't change their economic policy, we won't be able to support them."
One of two things will happen. #1 Layton lays out his conditions most of which are total anathema to Harper and he summarily rejects them. In which case Layton gets to say "wew tried to make parliamewnt work but Harper is too intransigent" (95% probability)m
Or #2 Harper caves in to the NDP in which case Layton claims victory (5% probability)
What happened to "turfing" Harper, not trusting him, he must go? You guys are an absolute riot. Thought you didn't want us leading at Copenhagen? Now, he'll give you something on credit cards and you'll prop him up? Keep chasing your tail, I'm loving every second after listening to you blowhards go ON and ON and ON and ON....
All this is about, you're broke and you know the probability is you will LOSE seats. Nothing more, nothing less, spare me the bad spin.
Anonymous 10:44 that's some hilarious NDP apologizing. When things change again will your stance also change to suit it?
"When things change again will your stance also change to suit it?"
Layton wants so much to make parliament work he voted "70" times against Harper.
Layton - rough tough cream puff.
And, he never read anything. Remember they can't be trusted, and anyone who works with them is a fool that will get burned in the end.
"And, he never read anything."
Simliar to how the Liberals are now saying they're going to vote down the government before even reading he text of the Cons' latest attempt to cling to power first.... if you're going to accuse us of changing our stance perhaps you should look in the mirror first.
Layton may get something and that's why you're all steamed about this... because you were so ineffective. If Jack doesn't get anything he certainly won't be propping up the government (unlike a certain faux-progressive party).
Some this is just silly. Parliament has not worked for some time because the LPCers have simply sat on their hands and or voted with Harper.
Harper was told he had to provide quarterly reports. That's a tough condition to meet. NOT!
Then Harper is told he must review EI rules with some LPC folks on a committee.
What has come of that committee? Nothing but Harper managed to get his budget through, survived another few months.
The LPC could have forced some serious concessions from Harper. They never even tried.
Now that we know the Liberals are withdrawing their support, perhaps the NDP can get some significant changes if Harper wants to avoid an election.
They will have to be significant and I am inclined to think the opportunity to bargain was this spring.
"this is just silly."
Couldn't agree more. Sorry, there's just no way to reconcile all the bravado with this stuff we're hearing now. You don't trust these guys member? You want them turfed now, because they are harming the economy, remember? Blah, blah, bladdy blah, and now it's lets try and wrestle a concession or two to prop these guys up and KEEP them in power. Absurdity, and somewhere in every apologists mind they now darn well it's so.
Yeah but NDP Halifax MP Megan Leslie has the best line in all this "it’s the Harper vision that we can’t support. Who knows? Maybe he’ll fall on his head and have a new vision."
Everybody, including Harper, knows about the Dippers poverty. And the resulting compromising position they are in.
Harper is a pretty smart guy, and has done a lot of negotiating in the past. So I wouldn't be surprised if, at the last minute, he comes up with a creative offer that allows both him and Jack to save face with their respective bases.
Obviously it's way too early in the game for that kind of move. It may not even be necessary, if the polls turn bad against Iggy, or there are cracks in the Lib caucus. Too many unknowns right now.
I think the Cons today, that was an opening salvo. Tomorrow Layton will leave a slight crack, but say he's not optimistic- part of this will be in reaction to the blowback from the grassroots I'm sure he's hearing behind the scenes. All will look bleak, but you can bet there will be whispers and low key "entertains". The Cons were all in key today, and it wasn't an accident.
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