The two Quebec ads I've seen are more "edgy", going after Harper but not in the gutter, childish way the Conservatives seem to prefer:
These ads are very well produced, and I love the backdrop for both. I really like the positive messenging in the English ad, as well as the clever non-direct focus on Ignatieff's time abroad as asset. This is the standard positive ad feel, so cynics will have something to cleanse themselves on, but it's a smart ad in this sense.
Ignatieff looks quite relaxed and genuine, comfortable in front of a camera. The green backdrop in the English ad is calming and informal, a nice touch. I also like the French ad feel, very focused and no nonsense, but sharp.
You've got 30 seconds, so it's broad strokes by definition, but the messenging here is quite strong. The Liberals are quickly capturing the "future" narrative. For the first time I can remember, we are seeing a sustained "imprinting" campaign, that will help us take ownership of this theme. It's a theme I do think will resonate with Canadians- it also brings with it the subliminal cheese of "change" and "hope", without being that overt. "We can do better" isn't a deep proclamation, but banners aren't by definition, so that criticism isn't even valid really- it's not a treatise, it's a simple phrasing.
All in all, very pleased with these ads. A perfect tone.
Very nice, but can it compare to Harper playing the Rolling Stones on the piano?
Well, more than ten people will see it, so probably.
Good ads. Nice to see a positive focus on CANADA for a change.
Small point & my French is REAL rusty. I like the English Ad's tag line "We Can Do Better", "We" can be read as Canadians or LPC.
The French, I'm not sure, (We should get better?) Anyone have a better sense of how it reads in French?
There is definite movement of the camera in the English ad, why?
Was a tripod not used?
You cannot satisfy everybody, but this is just a start.. 'am sure the English ads will change for the better. The first just introduces Michael, done very nicely.
Why stoop as low as Harper..their ads are nothing but negative. Why can't the Cons talk about what they have done, instead of demeaning someone?
The CPC keyboard commandos are working on a Sunday, I see. I sure hope you guys are getting time-and-a-half for working the holiday weekend...
Technically we are all Americans - North Americans - one the US and one is Canada.
I see the big brave anonymous trolls are out in full force - missing all the lovely sunshine.
To the anon troll who wanted to bet if they would get deleted, good call!!
I smell fear personally, heaps and heaps of it.
You've drooled all over your keyboard. Get ahold of yourself!
It's just a bland ad. Go over to RT's and see what PSA said about it.
OH, RT isn't impressed. I'm just shocked really. You're a beauty Tomm.
I thought you'd like that.
"This is the standard positive ad feel, so CYNICS will have something to cleanse themselves on"
Gee, I didn't call that one did I? Too funny, not to mention desperate of you clowns.
Cynics are free to their opinion, just to be clear. I just don't think it means jack in the final analysis.
I think the fact the ad is now available on G and M is more relevant :)
Pay no heed to me, I've never been to bright. I got a D once in grade 8, first in the family to do so, reach grade 8 I mean.
I think the ads must by okay - the trolls are really getting silly aren't they?
The absolute arrogance of these people who think they decide who is Canadian - unbelievable.
I really like the ads, they make me afraid. That's why I've spent my entire day on your site Steve, because I can feel it slipping away.
The Con reaction speaks volumes. It really does.
Two things to add to my 10:01 comment: first, the fact that the Liberals have the $$$ to air pre-writ ads in and of itself should cause Harper to choke on his next box of donuts.
Second, according to Delacourt, this is the first three in a batch of six that will be released.
I'd assume that the second batch will probably be more edgy, because you can be sure that the Conservatives will not be airing touchy-feely ads pre-writ.
Edgy is good too. Although I must admit, it's a great contrast if the Cons run their usual bottom feeder (see Ardvark) material and we provide a positive image. They reinforce their negative image, which is what we want to highlight anyways, with we can do better. It's complimentary on one level.
JimmE, We Deserve Better
I like the comment on BCL (I think). The commenter made a good point that the conservatives have the petty, bitter audience sewed up so best not to go in a different direction . . . I'm paraphrasing.
But I think it is a good point. You can have hard-hitting ads at any point. This is the "Hi, I'm Michael" ad. An introduction to reassure Canadians after the conservatives tried to all him the devil incarnate.
The same commenter - to give credit - also rightly pointed out that there really isn't anything to go after in this ad without sounding petty.
And to the criticisms I have heard from the furious conservatives says as much.
I think it is a really quite well done ad for the vast audience of people who care and who vote, but aren't scouring the news today. They'll see an ad like this and feel a bit more comfortable or at least willing to hear more. That's all they need at this point.
When the conservatives come out with guns blazing on an ad like this, it simply reduces them to the "persuadable" audience . . . "what . . . conservatives are against Canada succeeding?
ardvark needs their nappy changed.
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