Apologists will point to other publications, accusing them of similar biases, but that argument doesn't hold water. You want to target the Toronto Star, I remind you of a McGill study which showed relatively favorable coverage for the Conservatives in the 2004, 2006 elections. You want to point to the CBC, I suggest you consider a four person round table looking into the Afghan detainee issue that included Tom Flanagan and John Ivison. On the other hand, you can't point to one example of counter presentation with the National Post, it's unbridled Conservative cheer leading all the time, on every issue. Any diversion is just that, a bit scrap presented, but the overall thrust always remains the same- it's actually a dangerous rag, in that the less sophisticated don't understand the propaganda component. The National Post operates with a mission, every bit as biased as Fox, every bit as woefully unfair. The National Post is such a useless rag, disguised as journalism, it doesn't even garner ONE nomination for the journalist awards, never mind actually winning anything. This fact speaks to the crap component, the lack of contribution to journalism as a whole.
With all these facts in mind, I've actually enjoyed watching the NP flounder. This isn't to say I want to see all the local Canwest papers go belly up, but as for the flagship, the sooner the better. Addition by subtraction for Canadian journalism.
Today's news of a bid for the National Post, along with two other papers, brings reason for optimism, primarily because of the players. Jerry Grafstein has past Liberal ties, as well as an impressive media resume and while this may not translate, at least it speaks to less ideological rigidity. Beryl P. Wajsman has an impressive resume that shows a progressive streak. Ray Heard worked for John Turner, but he also supported Peter Kent, so there is an air of balance to his inclusion. In other words, I get no sense of right wing ideology within this new group. Grafstein is already on record saying he won't change the editorial board for NP, but I see room for long term optimism. Grafstein also spoke to losing money in Toronto and finding a way to connect with that audience. Playing Harper's print stooge isn't a recipe for success in this market, so that admission is another indication that business as usual isn't in the eventual cards.
I don't want a Liberal mouthpiece. As a matter of fact, if the NP were to morph into a decidedly centrist publication, I'd appreciate the balance, it's not about mirroring my own bias. The Globe and Mail is a perfect example, pisses you off one moment, refreshing the next, what fair journalism tends to do, taken with a panoramic view.
Maybe the National Post can become an asset to Canadian journalism, rather than propaganda with a runny consistency. If not, I'll revert to my previous opinion, DIE AND DIE FAST.
Your cheerleading for the demise of the only non-Liberal friendly national alternative is like watching an ad for Mark E. Solomone (an ambulance chasing law firm).
You seem to be suggesting that Toronto's National Newspaper (G&M) and Toronto's other national newspaper (the Star) are the only two national paper's we need.
Well, the National Post is providing a singular and important counter balance to the efforts of Upper Canada's best and brightest.
I'm guessing you wouldn't cry if Ivison, Gunter, Steyn, Adler, Coyne and Rutherford all ended up looking for work.
Without the National Post, Canadian's are missing an important daily which often includes fiscal and social conservative views.
I guess you are just hoping that no one will ever write daily columns, stories, or editorials that supports the present government, its programs, policies or Ministers.
You are just a paragon of fairness and balance.
What would be your view if I called the G&M a ...kneejerk liberal rag ...outlandish bias ...its advocacy ... its unbridled liberal cheerleading ...a dangerous rag ...propaganda.
Well, the majority of the G&M reporters are Liberal insiders, apologists, or supporters. The paper itself is insufferably southern Ontario centrist and treats the rest of us like some low IQ hicks hewing wood and drivin' truck in the territories.
Getting a feeling for what you sound like?
If you did such a silly thing, I'd ask you WHO they endorsed last election? You're skating on saranwrap. Shhhh.
Tomm: "Without the National Post, Canadian's are missing an important daily which often includes fiscal and social conservative views."
a daily which "often" includes
a daily which never includes anything but
the paper can't pay for itself because it doesn't have a readership large enough to subsidize the NP's pretensions.
Who the G&M endorsed last election had more to do with the economy killing Greenshift and its author than a positive endorsement of Stephen Harper.
But I think you already knew that.
I haven't done a good analysis of the financial situation of the National Post, but my understanding does include that it was bought during a market peak and we have since seen a prolonged trough. If that is indeed the case, then perhaps the G&M wpuld be on the same shaky foundation under the same circumstances.
Tomm's been really testy these days. Guess it's not been all that amazing to be a conbot these days.
You got that right.
Just when it looked like a year of parliamentary progress, the whole thing gets turned upside down by a single bone headed move. You'd think the guy would get a break, especially after that bit of piano work, but no such luck. The media had to pounce on this prorogation thing like he had just torched the Charter and spit on the flag.
"Tomm" is no longer a troll I take it.
Other wise, of course, he would have been ignored as per the wee little tag line above the empty text box.
Shall I understand this as the dilution of the meaning of the word "troll"?
Or shall I understand it as the foreshortening of the so-called liberal perspective?
Or perhaps the times have become so desperate for conservatives that certain natural sympathies are emerging among their opponents.
Stick to the definition of troll.
Lengthen your liberal perspective.
Do not, under pain of irrelevance, extend any sympathetic feelings or olive branches to any conservatives.
They will fuck your children in the ass and throw them in the gutter if you give them so much as a half a chance.
No Dana, only you.
Your a wonderful example of the progressive spirit of the left, keep up the good work!
Kursk, crawl back under your rock and die.
"Who the G&M endorsed last election had more to do with the economy killing Greenshift and its author than a positive endorsement of Stephen Harper."
Well I have posted a link to their endorsement here Tomm. Perhaps, while you look through the passages fawning over Harper and how much he has "grown", you can find the part where they refer to the Green Shift as an "economy killer".
I have given up thinking you will ever accept that being critical of Harper does not make one biased for the liberals. In your world, one can only be unbiased if they never say anything bad about him.
Steve, you forgot the fact that the National Post has been completely delusional in their climate change denial.
"...Afghan detainee issue that included Tom Flanagan..."
Just one question: who's Tom Flanagan?
"You'd think the guy would get a break, especially after that bit of piano work, but no such luck."
Sorry Tomm, this is about good government, leadership and accountability ....not a 'Canadian Idol' or 'Canada's Got Talent' competition. About time our media figured that out.
"The media had to pounce on this prorogation thing like he had just torched the Charter and spit on the flag."
He pretty much did. This is an insult to the idea that we have accountable democracy in this country. Oh and I admit past Lib & PC governments have gotten us to this point, but Harper had to push the envelope that much further. I for one am happy the public sees what's happened, because the 'left-leaning' media was initially writing this off as a 'procedures thing' that no one would be interested in, and a 'win-win' move for Harper.
I don't consider Tomm a troll, just terribly lost ;) Free to spew.
Yes "The Deniers" series was when it moved from amusing to dangerous.
wow Tomm, I threw out the bait and you just went for it.
Thanks for making the heavy lifting easy.
More evidence that the G and M is a Liberal propaganda publication:
Well I have posted a link to their endorsement here Tomm. Perhaps, while you look through the passages fawning over Harper and how much he has "grown", you can find the part where they refer to the Green Shift as an "economy killer".
Isn't that a hoot, Gayle? Tomm's always lecturing everyone on media and journalism, despite the fact that he consistently provides ample evidence to show that he doesn't read anything at all.
On-topic: I think most (all?) daily newspapers have to die. I don't find a single one of them worth paying for anymore and I've been an avid newspaper reader for most of my life.
I'm guessing you wouldn't cry if Ivison, Gunter, Steyn, Adler, Coyne and Rutherford all ended up looking for work.
Don't worry, they will be ok, Tomm. No one ever went broke, singing the praises of the ruling class.
Especially Adler and Rutherford, angry whack jobs do well on radio.
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