The Government of Canada website set up to promote the Conservative economic action plan had a leaner look yesterday: more than 30 photos of Prime Minister Stephen Harper had been removed.
Critics have complained that the website,, looks like a partisan promotion – complete with a Tory-blue colour scheme, glowing third-party testimonials, more than 40 photos of Harper and repeated references to "the Harper government" rather than the Government of Canada.
References to the "Harper government" remained on the website yesterday. But photos of the Prime Minister were reduced to about seven, from the original 40-plus
Funny what happens when you shine a light on the egomaniac. POOF he's gone. Oh, and I heard more radio ads on swine flu preparation this morning than I have previously. Just a coincidence I'm sure.
Is it not supposed to be Government of Canada, instead of the Harper government..won't they have to change that, also, as it is advertising for the megalomaniac.
Were the H1N1 ads from Ontario, paid for?
And, it's should be Government of Canada NOT Conservative government action plan - and, using the phrase stay the course is a Con phrase.
Imagine Harper thinking we'd want our taxpayer monies spent to look at photos of him - is he nuts. George Clooney maby, but Harper?
Why hasn't this been taken up with the Auditor General, Ethics Commissioner and/or Elections Canada?
I'll get in trouble for this one - a fellow passenger on the train hubby takes said "what do "Kim Jung Il, Saddam Hussein, Castro, Stalin, etc have in common?".
He then said think about it - no one responded so he said - they all liked and have/had photos of themselves everywhere people could see.
Harper's favorite historical read is Joseph Stalin, a fact which was noted by staff in the past.
Quite the prompt admission of guilt by the Steve Stalin Wrecking Crew Party … there can be no doubt that they knew exactly what they were attempting in the first place … they were attempting to deliberately mislead Canadians taxpayers with their Steve Stalin propaganda, at the expense of Canadian taxpayers … the ultimate in sanctimoniousNESS !!!
Its Giornio's doing in the PMO, it's the Ontario Ministry of Transportation circa the Lack of Common Sense Reaction policy of claiming every piece of road work in the province in the 1990's was due to the beneficence of "Mike Harris: Premier."
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