Remember Tom Lukiwski's "heartfelt apology", that the media fawned over? The entire issue basically disappeared, as everyone concluded that Lukiwski was so sincere in his apology, time to move on. Here is what Lukiwski said in Parliament:
First and foremost, I want to apologize to all of my friends and colleagues who are gay or lesbian. I have no idea what they must think of me now. I have no idea what they were thinking when they first heard or read about my comments. To say that I am ashamed is not putting it in context and certainly not putting it in strong enough terms.
Their friendship and support for me during my entire career and my personal life has been extremely important to me, and today I ask their forgiveness. Just being in the public sphere means little to me compared to the opinion that I value of their opinion toward me, and to them I say I am truly sorry.
To the entire gay and lesbian community, I also want to extend my deepest and most abject apologies.
The comments I made should not be tolerated in any society. They should not be tolerated today. They should not have been tolerated in 1991. They should not have been tolerated in years previous to that. The words I used were more than just hurtful. They are words that should not be allowed to be spoken today, either publicly or privately.
I know there is an awful lot of anger directed toward me from members of the gay and lesbian community. That anger is certainly understandable and, I would say, it is justified. All I can say is that I hope that over the passage of time, my apologies will be accepted...
Let me conclude by saying that there is absolutely nothing I could say inside or outside of this assembly that would be an adequate apology to those people whom I have hurt. I deeply regret and I have deep remorse for my words of 17 years ago. I can assure you, Mr. Speaker, and all of my colleagues in this House that I will spend the rest of my career and my life trying to make up for those shameful comments.
Turns out Tom was just doing what he had to, in an effort to make his comments disappear. What has Tom done to "make up for" those comments? Nothing:
Conservative member of Parliament, who promised earlier this year to spend his life promoting tolerance after a video surfaced of him making anti-gay remarks in 1991, was a no-show Saturday at Regina's gay pride parade.
Gay groups said they were disappointed that Regina-Lumsden MP Tom Lukiwski didn't even respond to an invitation to attend the parade.
"Mr. Lukiwski stated in his public apology ... that he would spend the rest of his life making amends,'' said gay pride spokesman Nathan Markwart. "Well, when exactly does that kick in?
"It is clear that his apology is less than sincere and is, in fact, hollow as it has not been followed up with any concerted effort to join our celebrations as an elected official who respresents gays and lesbians in Regina and surrounding area.''
Markwart noted that the disappointment was heightened by their understanding that Lukiwski was in the Regina area this weekend.
The fact Lukiwski was invited, and didn't even BOTHER to respond tells us everything we need to know about his bogus apology. When he stood up in the House, his words were nothing but damage control. The fact he has not followed through on his pledge, a testament to the truth, that he was only sorry for getting caught. The fact Lukwski has done NOTHING to make amends, really tells that his original words were closer to his soul, than the sheepish comments he made to salvage his career.

im confused where did he promise to march in the gay pride parade.
I would never march in a gay pride parade because im alot more proud to be equal than I am to be gay.
I guess that makes me homophobic.
Maybe you could point me to anything, to show that Lukiwski has reached out to the people he offended, like he promised? Anything, anything at all? Then you might have a point.
From what I've read - he's done absolutely NOTHING to reach out. He has not responded to any of the gay and lesbian community in any areas other than the Gay Pride parade. He doesn't respond to emails/letters, etc.
If you don't mean it, and you had no intention - then say so.
After all, the gay and lesbian community gave him the benefit of the doubt with the apology - he was lucky. The least he could do is make an effort.
He should resign.
Further to your point.
I will point you to something else, he has NOT said anything which would show he still believes what he said 17 years ago.
Christ, if I held a grudge for 17 years, I dont think anyone I know would be able to run for office.
He hasnt said anything publicly in 17 years, and apologized for what he said back then. I was one of the few Liberals who thought that was enough.
6 years after Likiwski made his comments, the ENTIRE Liberal Party voted against the rights of gays to marry.
When it finally passed, many Liberal MPs still voted against it, some ministers voting against their own beliefs, the belief that gays shouldnt be allowed to marry.
Why are we not asking these MPs to march in parades? Because it is unreasonable to expect people to change what they BELIEVE, but the least they can do is not say it out loud, which for the Liberal Party, has been the standard for quite some time.
The "dont ask, dont care" policy about gay marraige in the Liberal caucus was one of the things that disturbed me the most.
"I will point you to something else, he has NOT said anything which would show he still believes what he said 17 years ago."
And, he has also done nothing, or said anything, that would lead us to believe those views have changed. I don't recall any Liberal MP's saying they would devote the rest of their careers to making amends. Still waiting...
"When it finally passed, many Liberal MPs still voted against it, some ministers voting against their own beliefs, the belief that gays shouldnt be allowed to marry.
Why are we not asking these MPs to march in parades? "
Because none of those people have made tearful, supposedly heartfelt apologies in the House of Commons, begged for forgiveness and pledged to reach out to the lesbian and gay community.
Why did Lukiwski even bother to apologize??? He obviously is every bit as homophobic now as he was then and he should have simply said that he proudly stands by his comments and that he will never agree to have any contact with the gay community in Regina.
Instead, he lied and made a phony insincere apology.
I read today that just a few years ago he again said something against homosexuality,
"Gay rights groups have noted that just three years ago Lukiwski told the Commons that legalizing same-sex marriage could lead to polygamy and social decline."
He didn't respond, and was in the city. He would have at least offered an excuse if he cared, since he must know how this avoidance would make him look.
What I really gathered from reading these comments is Antonio is more upset with the Liberal party (who, by the way, did evolve during the past 17 years on equality issues for homosexuals) than he is Lukiwski who has yet to take any actual action to counter his hateful swill from then.
Sounds like something more for your therapist than political discussion.
But, hey, if it makes you feel good to go out and campaign for Lukiwski in the next campaign in a full-fledged effort to prove how equal and independent you are, go for it. We support your journey of self-discovery . . . just lay off with the guilt trips on the rest of us.
Alright, I think I may have reacted a little harshly as well, as a fellow gay (and equal) man.
But, Antonio, perhaps you should consider your UNWAVERING insistence you would NEVER march in a gay pride parade. I haven't gone to a gay pride event in nearly 20 years, but it's not out of some form of psychological protest.
It is possible to be gay and homophobic. Perhaps you should be open to the possibility instead of just throwing it out there in another pithy response. You clearly have a bag full of them ready to toss out when the mood strikes, you won't miss it a bit.
From seeing little snippets of your personality from your postings on various topics over the past year or more, it does seem like you are obsessed with venting your anger at the Liberal Party to the detriment of rationale objective thought.
I've never marched or been to a Gay Pride parade - I hate parades. I don't like the Santa Clause parade or any other parade.
There is a big difference between voting against SSM (probably out of religious conviction) and quite another to say nasty, bigoted things.
No excuses accepted. He is what he is and he apologized just to save his political ass.
I will point you to something else, he has NOT said anything which would show he still believes what he said 17 years ago.
Exactly. I hope I'm not judged about comments I made that long ago, about the Maple Leafs. Still true, of course.
No apology is good enough for y'all, unless it's from Gagliano.
Oh, wait, he never did apologize...
im not "more" upset with anybody, and god knows the issues I still have with the Liberal Party wont be resolved today, tomorrow or the day after that.
However, there are bigots in both parties and for Liberals to stand up and scream that the Tories are racist bigots is pretty stupid, unless these Liberals do not own a mirror.
It is simply hypocritical for Liberals to attack Conservatives on this without acknowledging the "dont ask, dont care" attitude towards gay rights currently in the Liberal caucus.
I agree 100% - both the Conservatives AND the Liberals tolerate vicious homophobes in their ranks. Only the NDP disciplines those people and asks them to get lost.
I do understand what you're saying, Antonio, and owe you an apology. I think I read too much into. It just seemed your reaction seemed way beyond a response to Steve's post, which I found to be a pretty fair critique given the specific Lukiwski situation.
"However, there are bigots in both parties and for Liberals to stand up and scream that the Tories are racist bigots is pretty stupid, unless these Liberals do not own a mirror."
I willing to bet that 95% of bigots vote Conservative, so to suggest the two are the same isn't quit fair. That isn't to say, it doesn't exist with the Liberals, but the natural tendency is on the right.
I willing to bet that 95% of bigots vote Conservative,
I'm not sure what to say about that, other than it's an incredibly stupid statement.
You forgot to say "Un-Canadian", as well....
Unless he can give a good reason such as prior commitments elsehwere, then it does fall flat. I was willing to give him the benefit of the doubt since the comments were 17 years ago when regretably homophobia was far more common and socially acceptable than today. I also know from my own family, people's views change. In the 60s, my grand-parents would have not tolerated either of my parents marrying a non-white. Today, they would have absolutely no problem if I married a visible minority and would fully support it.
As for how bigots vote, I agree the Conservatives do the best amongst them, although I think they exist in all parties. Thankfully though most of the homophobes (i.e. Tom Wappel) are either quiting or were defeated.
"I'm not sure what to say about that, other than it's an incredibly stupid statement."
It's actually bang on. Truth hurts.
I never suggested other parties don't have intolerant people, only that if you're a bigot, and I had to bet, I'd lay it on the Conservatives EVERYTIME, without a second thought.
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