The federal Tories are preparing a new series of ads attacking Liberal Leader Stéphane Dion as senior Conservative members continue debating the merits of a spring election campaign.
Sources have told The Globe and Mail that the advertisements, which have already been filmed, criticize Mr. Dion's stand on last week's budget. The Liberals voted against the deal and have been criticized by the Conservatives for doing so.
I thought this was a masterful, comprehensive budget? Why then, aren't the Tories running ads bragging to Canadians about their achievements? Harper is forever telling us about getting results, keeping promises and working for ordinary families? Afterall, this is how Stephen Harper feels about negative politics:
"I will let the Liberals descend into the gutter. They will be punished accordingly,"
Remember all the comments about the Liberal attack ads denoting desperation and providing another sign that they were morally bankrupt? I have a hunch that this round of ads will backfire, as the pattern of mean-spirited, American style politics begins to gel.
The Tory counter-argument to the revised Clean Air Act says their opposition is a product of the changes providing less than the original proposals. This begs the question, how can you have less than nothing?
Get ready for the "carbon tax" barrage, accompanied by economic ruin, as the Conservatives attempt to discredit the opposition proposals. Whenever a Tory plays this angle, simply remind them of their tax on inefficent vehicles in the budget and then ask them how that is different from discouraging other polluters? I saw one commentator take this approach with a Conservative MP, and the squirming was noteworthy.