"We received some instructions from the federal campaign indicating that two thousand plus dollars would be put into our account and that this money was to be immediately transferred back to the federal Conservative campaign."
"They sent an email, outlining exactly the procedure we were to follow to make sure that the money was sent back"
"We were advised that of that two thousand and some odd dollars, we could actually claim 60% of it in our election return, but we didn't"
Reporter: Why not?
"Because my official agent Gordon Barnes, thank god for his astuteness thought there was something FISHY OR NOT QUITE RIGHT HERE. He had a number of discussions with Elections Canada and decided no we are not going to claim it"
Goudie didn't apply for the 60% back because it was "fishy or not quite right". That's not Elections Canada, that's not the Liberals, that's not the RCMP, that's not the liberal media, that's a CONSERVATIVE CANDIDATE smelling a rat, or more accurately Gordon Barnes. Hello in there Conservative apologists, HELLO INDEED.
At the beginning of the clip, Newman said the following:
"Joe Goudie ran for the Conservatives in Labrador. Goudie said the party contacted him twice in the last few months and asked him not to talk to the media"
I found this article from two days ago, where Goudie said:
Goudie said he was unaware until Tuesday morning of any problems with election spending. He said he found out in a coffee shop in Labrador.
Goudie said he will track down his official agent and campaign manager to see if any money flowed in and out of his campaign.
Obviously Mr. Goudie was aware of some issues, because he acknowledged previous calls from the party to keep quiet, don't talk to the media. Seems pretty simple, today Goudie has decided to break his silence and speak about what he knew. Why the party would want him to keep quiet, despite not claiming a rebate, speaks volumes about a concerted cover-up.
You know what? People like Steve Janke can exhaust hours poking holes at Elections Canada. People like Pierre Poilievre, Rory Sparrow, Bernard Lord and all the other snake oil salesman can peddle their nonsense to the press. However, if you just stay focused on the main stage, you find all you need from the comments of Conservatives themselves, these partisans thought something was wrong, these people were concerned about the tactics, these people tell us that something was clearly afoot. Everything else is noise. "Fishy" is right, you can't talk away the STENCH.

Sad but brilliant. Wow. There was a report on the CBC the other night with a Quebec Conservative candidate who said he was really not interested in the Cons plan for the in and out scheme too.
If the bleeding continues, me thinks the knives will be de-sheathed sooner than we expected...
I'm getting tired of hearing all the CON talking points being aired out over and over, however. That kind of blurring the lines will wear down the public's cynicism radar.
Hmmm .... another interesting development:
Watchdog had warned candidates
Elections boss sought Tory ad receipts in 2006
Glen McGregor, Canwest News Service
Published: Friday, April 25, 2008
OTTAWA - Less than a month before he resigned from his job, former chief electoral officer Jean-Pierre Kingsley wrote to some Conservative candidates' campaigns instructing them to back up claims for advertising expenses that are now central to the investigation of the party's spending in the 2006 election.
The elections watchdog told Tory campaign officials they needed to provide more details to support the advertising expenses in returns filed to Elections Canada.
Mr. Kingsley asked the candidates' official agents for copies of the contracts with their advertising agencies, scripts of the ads and the dates the ads appeared.
In a series of letters sent out beginning on Nov. 29, 2006, Mr. Kingsley gave the agents deadlines to provide the documents and told them failure to do so would be an offence.
Less than a month after sending the letters, on Dec. 22, Mr. Kingsley wrote to the Speaker of the House of Commons saying he was resigning. The Prime Minister's Office announced his departure six days later.
....this article, believe it or not, appeared in the Natty Post this morning.....
It's getting curiouser and curiouser each and every day isn't it?
I'm really curious what they found in the raid.
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